BACFest 2009

As of September 21, registered attendance is 31 members and 50 total for the meeting. Ten days remain in the early registration period. The record BACFest attendance was in 2007 in Myrtle Beach where 50 members and 75 total attended. Those numbers are still within reach.
COME on Guys !! get with it. This is our Annual convention. Most of our membership is from this area and we are nearly equal to the California event. What is up with that? We need membership attendance to gain vendor support, hotel discounts and tour discounts in the future. These event totals equal clout for demonstrating to magazine advertisers that we are a MARKET. The more support we get the greater we can grow our magazine, our merchandise and our membership. Please commit to this function. It is only once a year. Hell, a couple of our door prizes will cancel out your cost. Come and win.
I only wish that we could. We had plans, had the flight plan all laid out, friends enroute in Denver and Tennessee were expecting us, our timeshare week booked in Svierville, (had to make other accomodations than OakTree due to the pups)...... and BOOM......... we realized we had booked October 9th-17th in Whistler BC ...............the exact same week!

So, we either have to use it, or lose it at this point. We tried to bank our time, but it was too close. And we have 900 bucks invested in it.

Very Bummed! Take lots of pics guys!
I'm still trying to get a lift. If I do, I'll be there.
Dr. Bill, Charlotte NC

Mike R: Bill, didn't Monty get with you about a ride?

Bill: YES , but it's a wait and see. If I can line a definite trip up, I'd rather do that...
I've been planning on attending since last year in Santa Maria, but got the call a few days ago from one of my big clients that I have to be in Denver from the 13th to the 16th. Still planning on a KLUX plane spa treatment beginning on the 8th if I can get my plane from Tulsa (soon to be flyable, but currently AOG - long story) to South Carolina. Really bummin' that I can't go from KLUX to BACFEST!, but glad I should still be able to spend time with the KLUX crew.

BTW - If anyone is considering a Brittain Autopilot... I've been VERY pleased with their work, integrity, and willingness to help! The AOG situation is a bad alternator - not their fault - that has me AOG in Tulsa. they've been really helpful, more than anyone should expect them to be, in the effort to get me back in the air.

I can't wait to start using my new autopilot!


Sounds like a good time to swap out the alternator with a Plane Power unit. I believe they are on the BAC discount list.

Marty Vanover
Phoenix, Az.
PLane Power it is! Should be arriving in Tulsa today. Ended up buying from aircraft spruce as the nice folks at PLane Power don't don't offer single unit discounts for BAC. Woulda made a nice shiny new accessory to show off at BACFEST!

I'll be watching the website for news of all the fun I'm missing - but I gotta pay the bills...

We are planning to fly to Tullahoma on Wednesday and meet the group there, going on to GKT with them on Thursday.

Anyone else planning on this before we start making reservations in Tullahoma?

Bo & Sandra
I have a room at the Oak Tree. I believe it has twin queen beds, I'd be happy to share it with a BAC memeber too.

Marty Vanover
Phoenix, Az.

OK - I'm all in x 2... Car - Room - and - BAC reservations are made... Better get some motion sickness pills for my girlfriend - as she only likes flying in perfectly smooth weather... LOL - her first six hour flight !!! Ordered my charts and AFD for some Southern flying from Sporties... Getting N63503 a fresh oil change... I hope there is a decent place to get some country fried steak and biscuits around there...

Hey Mike - want me to bring a NY Pizza ???

I had a few issues that affected my flying this year - didn't think I was going to make it - but - looking forward to seeing those great Smokey Mountains...

I have to beg off coming- I can't get my CFI's and the checkride tester's schedules to work out in time to get my checkride in for this event. I could do it as a 1-day cross-country, but the shortest route from Savannah puts me over the Smokeys where the mountains are 6500 feet, meaning I'd need about 10,000 to have a comfortable altitude, (not an altitude I'd like to fly at right now!) and going around would make it 3 hours each way in the plane; I'd be flying more than I'd be attending...

That's a bummer, Joe! I was looking forward to meeting you. Guess it will have to be next year at Sun'n'Fun or BACnic or BACFest.

Chris L.
Salt Lake CIty, UT

10,000 is a comfortable altitude. The OAT is nice and the air still breathable. Out here its considered our low enroute altitude. Reserved for the valleys and canyon flying. As a student I too a Cessna 150 to 10K on a X-country to Apple Valley from San Diego.

Marty Vanover
Phoenix, Az
KCHD N65128
This is a great topic...I had a person from back east come out and fly my A23/24 super III that had never been over 5000 feet.
Not that there is anything wrong with that but it is interesting to see how people are a little hesitant to climb high when needed. Our airport elevation is 7200 feet so this person was really not comfortable when we did a long right downwind entry from the ski hill at 11,500 feet. But on the reverse, I had to learn how to fly at sea level and that was different for me. Go figure...

I always felt these planes were most at home at 8 to 10K. thats where I flew my sundowner if distance allowed it. Come on over, Joe, we have to meet you.

Must be nice to think of those altitudes, I'm worried about getting to 8 for an MEA coming from Washington DC! In my sport though.

I usually cruise between 7500-8500. On only one occasion have I dragged her up to 11000. Nice cold day, just me, half tanks. She took her time getting up there...but she never faltered. Flying up there is usually nice and smooth...and cold. (Trust your heater, and wear heavy socks for the ever present Mouse drafts.)

Give it a try in your home area (Steve, I realize that can be a pain in the butt in the DC area; ask for an escort! Ooh, sorry, guess that's not very funny when you have to deal with security down there.)
Actually, the part about the escort is familar to me, I'm in CAP and we now (Virginia) fly the practice intercept missions with the air force, they use f16's now. Last one I was scheduled for was last week, postponed by the air force but next one I'm scheduled for is the 20th of this month, right after we return from Bfest.

The part about getting to altitude is Sharmalie's fault, she likes to chat a lot, ---- extra drag ya know.
wizard said:
The part about getting to altitude is Sharmalie's fault, she likes to chat a lot, ---- extra drag ya know.

Umm, she's not going to see that on the forum is she? :wink:

Heading home into base one evening (KBAF), Bradley Approach tells me to be alert to the "fighter aircraft approaching your 3 O'clock". I knew damn well there were no "Uh Oh Zones" near me, but the first thing my brain (and knotted stomach) thought was "S#t! How did I screw up?"
He was just heading into Westover AFB across the river but... :shock: