BACFest 2019 - Colorado


Unfortunately, only half the Fosters will attend BACfest.

Leili's work wants to send her on a trip to India... the very same trip they had confirmed in mid-June that she would not be going on. And of course, the dates conflict.

So, come September 11th we do the kissy-kiss thing and I take an Air Canada flight to Denver, while she boards Air Canada on her way to India. In truth, I think I have the better part of the deal.

See you all at BACfest,


I think you got the better deal as well! Tell Leili we'll see her next year, wherever BACFest may be!

See you in Denver!
Hey Bob,
You should try to cut through South Dakota on your way here - pick up a couple more states for your map!
See ya soon.

Dear BAC Members,

My current plan is to be at our AMEN RIVER HOUSE from the weekend before BACfest through the week after (approx Sept 6th to Sept 21st - my exact travel dates depending on good flying weather for Texas/Colorado). This puts my Sundowner at the Salida airport (KANK) so that I am (or ... we are) only a 1 1/2 hour flight or a 3 hour drive from BACfest 2019 while staying in my vacation home. Simple and straight forward - no pressure to fly to BACfest 2019 if the weather is marginal.

I will stay at the BACfest hotel during the event, checking in on Wednesday Sept 11th and checking out on Sunday Sept. 15th.

You and your pax are welcome to stay in my River House as my guests anytime before, during, or after BACfest. Just let me know your travel plans and approximate dates and I will have a bed reserved .... and I might even make coffee in the morning! Our homes are at 10,000 ft so let's plan to relax! Our web site with photos:

Here is what I need from you: send an email to with "BACfest" in the title and let me know the number of persons, and your planned arrival and departure dates. I am limited to the 15 bedrooms available and
I will get our neighboring Mountain Deck Home (my brother's) or the Schoolhouse (my sister's) set aside if we need extra space. Currently we have two members staying for 2 days prior, and one member staying for a day or so after.

Just let me know, my friends,
Nelson Amen
Hi Rick, in case it isn't worldwide knowledge yet - THANK YOU for your help in getting 3 BACers into the Arvada Hilton!! Can't speak for everyone, but in my case my schedule was conflicted until well after the lodging cutoff date. When I found I could come, you helped me get into The Hotel and I am really grateful. Although...Nelson Amen is extending an offer to his place which DOES sound hugely tempting...
I have just taken the offer of Nelson to join him from Sunday to Wednesday at his place and will arrive now at the Hilton Garden Inn on Wednesday. As I have a reservation starting on Sunday already I would like to ask if anybody is in the need of this room between Sunday and Wednesday for extending the stay before BACfest?
@ Rick: do you have a waiting list?
I don't want to simply cancel and risk that somebody else not belonging to our group jumps in.

Gesendet von meinem WAS-LX1A mit Tapatalk
Looks like I may be unable to fly-in to BACFest this year in spite of it being so close to me. My home drome (KFLY - Meadowlake Apt) is shut down for replacement of the runway. The shutdown is supposed to last until mid-Sept. There is a short blacktop/gravel runway I could use but only if I am really light and the conditions (DA & wind) are right. So I will probably be driving to BACFest this year.
This comes at the same time as my annual, so we are doing that now. After the annual, I may move the airplane to another airport but will have to use the short blacktop/gravel runway which is about 2000' with a slight uphill grade. I think it is doable if I keep the plane light, have a slight headwind, and take off early in the morning. Density Altitude is a big factor here because the airport is already at 6880' and morning temperatures are currently running in the high 60s and low 70s.
Sierra door arriving at BACfest for Marty (it's his, in my hangar)

BRINGING MARTY'S SIERRA DOOR TO BACFEST (Marty and Denis are looking into some options)

Got me thinking ..... why not on the Sundowner ????? (I have always had "door envy" for that large Sierra luggage compartment door). So, I am thinking HEY! - - - just another roll of duct tape and I should be good !! ;)


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Sure, why not. I see that you have already installed the fourth window, complete with “privacy tint”!
BRINGING MARTY'S SIERRA DOOR TO BACFEST (Marty and Denis are looking into some options)

Got me thinking ..... why not on the Sundowner ????? (I have always had "door envy" for that large Sierra luggage compartment door). So, I am thinking HEY! - - - just another roll of duct tape and I should be good !! ;)

Rap has an airframe you could get all the structural pieces. Just have to find an A&P that thinks it is minor modification that doesn't effect performance or weight and balance.
I can't come to BACfest this year as Janet has to have a knee replacement and can't come. My daughter in Germany suggested that I visit her and see my new grandson. I will be releasing my hotel reservations. If someone wants them let me know ASAP.
As I have not been to a BACfest I don't know how to answer the wife's question of what she needs to wear to the banquet. My answer of it doesn't matter, no one will care didn't sit to well.

Any suggestions?
I have learned that I am not qualified to determine what women should wear, but it is my observation that it is not a major dress up event. Now that probably just got me in trouble with someone that considered them selves dressed up. Maybe it was me that was not dressed up? My advice is wear something comfortable ( I always try to go that). Hopefully someone qualified will give you a good answer.
I will call it casual. I think Linda usually wears slacks with a nice top. Some may wear dresses, but I cannot remember. Somewhere in my photo archives, I have pictures of a BACFest banquet or two. I will see if I can find any of them and post them. That might help.
I am with Denis on this one (not qualified!) but ..... some BACfest 2015 banquet photos for your viewing ....


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As I have not been to a BACfest I don't know how to answer the wife's question of what she needs to wear to the banquet. My answer of it doesn't matter, no one will care didn't sit to well.

Any suggestions? her something with Gucci on the label, or learn to cook. You start to get properly hungry after about eight days.