BACFest 2019 - Colorado

Fred, The attendance is excellent, but we've got a ways to go for a record. I count 67 on the list. BACFest 2015 in Dubuqe had 82 in attendance with 33 mice and 4 foreign attendees.
Mike is right. Dubuque holds the record and those numbers may never be broken.

However, having said that, all you guys who have never attended a BACFest - make this one your first!! It's a lot a fun, with a lot of good folks to meet and make life-long friends. Plus you're going to get some recurrent training during BACFest that will also earn you some knowledge credits, not to mention a nice logbook entry.

I'm projecting 72 planning to attend right now. We only need 11 to break the record. Come on, first-timers!! Let's see if we can do it.
Rick. I like your positive look
We ONLY NEED 11 to Break The Attendance Record
Then you can work on the Plane Attendance Record
Plenty Of Time to Achieve Both
Know if anyone can do —You Can!!
Our drive home this morning from Denver back up into the Rockies, thought we would share a teaser for the BAC Fest day trip into the mountains. Yes, the snow may be long gone by then...

Very nice. My son is in Denver until Tuesday
He had from a charterBoca Raton in his Hawker and is playing in Denver until client is ready to go home
...or it may be back early Michael... ;-)


That would be too much luck for us. The green of the plains leading to Golden with aspen trees turning colors and snow on the mountain tops?! Just the BAC Fest photo's of that would fill up the camera's memory disk!
Hi Everyone - A couple of quick notes...

First, the hotel is booked out now but if anyone is still planning to come to BACFest, and would like to stay at the official hotel, let me know and we'll see what we can work out. No guarantees, of course, but it's worth a shot. You can email me at

Secondly, for those coming who haven't actually registered yet, please do so in the next few days, if possible. We're only about 12 weeks away! A lot of the event's money comes from the registrations so it would be be very helpful to have funds in place to handle the many things still needing to be done. This will greatly help us in having a more accurate headcount for securing everything from name lanyards to transportation needs.

Summer is finally here and will be pulling us all in a lot of directions. If we can get the registration pretty much completed, that will be one item off your 'summer plates" and you'll be all set to just show up in Colorado for a really great time.

Thanks for your help!
Me too, Fred!


Hi Everyone - A couple of quick notes...

First, the hotel is booked out now but if anyone is still planning to come to BACFest, and would like to stay at the official hotel, let me know and we'll see what we can work out. No guarantees, of course, but it's worth a shot. You can email me at

Secondly, for those coming who haven't actually registered yet, please do so in the next few days, if possible. We're only about 12 weeks away! A lot of the event's money comes from the registrations so it would be be very helpful to have funds in place to handle the many things still needing to be done. This will greatly help us in having a more accurate headcount for securing everything from name lanyards to transportation needs.

Summer is finally here and will be pulling us all in a lot of directions. If we can get the registration pretty much completed, that will be one item off your 'summer plates" and you'll be all set to just show up in Colorado for a really great time.

Thanks for your help!
Yes - - I AM counting the days !!

I will be at my cabin before and after the event ..... and hoping some of you will be able to join me in the mountains (KANK).

Nelson Amen


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Hi Folks,

Well, Leili has decided that she wants to introduce you all to our new-to-us Sierra, and we are starting to make plans to fly down to Denver in September (or given the ground elevation, is that fly up?). And if we chicken out on the 1170 or so nautical mile flight, there is always Air Canada.

One way or another, we hope to see you all at BACfest.

BAC again,

Peter and Leili Foster

As a matter of fact, last September we were flying around in Namibia & Zambia. Peter was miffed when the cute blonde 23 y.o. Captain bush pilot wouldn't let him touch the controls on the C210 .

I was just there to see the animals,


Unfortunately, only half the Fosters will attend BACfest.

Leili's work wants to send her on a trip to India... the very same trip they had confirmed in mid-June that she would not be going on. And of course, the dates conflict.

So, come September 11th we do the kissy-kiss thing and I take an Air Canada flight to Denver, while she boards Air Canada on her way to India. In truth, I think I have the better part of the deal.

See you all at BACfest,
