BACFest 2019 - Colorado

Thanks everyone - i'll be sure to pass the information on.

Mark, I do the cooking at our house. Is the eight day comment reference to you being on walkabout with Mick?
The ability to cook is Domestic Insurance. Real handy to have when you need it!
The eight days is just a notation, your tolerance may differ. I don’t eat every day anyway.
Hi Jay - Attire for the BACFest Banquet is pretty much up to the individual. The Fort restaurant is not formal by any means... I think anything from jeans to nice slacks and at least a collared shirt. For the ladies, my wife tells me that jeans, slacks or capris would be fine.

Let's be comfortable and have fun!!
For anyone lucky enough to be flying into BAC Fest in BAC style, here's a sight picture/video of the approach to KBJC. Grumman Tiger is similar, sort of and the approach shows how far from the mountains and how much room this approach has. If you're coming in BAC style, video your approach for us!
For those of you who have signed up for the BACFest Mountain Flying Seminar, we now have an official event listing on the website!

Each pilot who indicated they will be attending the Seminar on Thursday morning (starting at 7:30 AM) will need to go to website and either login to your existing account, or if you don’t have an account (or can’t remember your login), you can quickly set up a new account at the login form near the top, right of the web page.

Once you are logged in, you will likely see the listing under “Upcoming Seminars”, near the top of the page, “High Flying? Come to the Mountains.”

If you don’t see it there, do a search for EA2194915 in the search bar at the top of the page.

When you get to the Seminar’s event page, scroll down to the bottom of the page, just below the event description, and click the “Register” button.

You should receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter – and then you’re all set!

Just a reminder… the seminar needs to start promptly at 7:30. It’s about a 25 minute drive to the airport, so we will be meeting in the hotel lobby at 6:45AM, Thursday morning. If you miss the group leaving by 7AM, you will need to Uber (or something) up to the airport. Call me if you have to do that, and I’ll give you directions to the Hangar.

So, get registered and get ready to have some fun! See you soon.
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The start time for our Mountain Flying Seminar on Thursday morning is 7:30 AM.

On our event page, the start time is shown incorrectly as 8:00 AM.

That was the original time planned but due to a tight schedule with our afternoon events on Thursday, we felt it would better to start a half hour earlier. So as mentioned below, we will meet in the hotel lobby at 6:45AM and try to get everyone in place at the hangar and ready to begin right at 7:30. There will be coffee and donuts to help wake you up! Afterward, we'll have boxed lunches for everyone back at the hotel.

BACFest 2019 - Colorado

If you missed the earlier post about registering for this event - see below.
Rick, I have a confirmed room, Faa safety seminar registration and thought Dohnae & I were registered for BACFest...but I haven’t seen the ‘R’ to indicate/confirm that. Thanks, Dean
Rick, when I registered I indicated I’d be flying in via Sundowner. That’s change to flying in commercial a week in advance and staying a couple of days after BACFest. Excited about seeing everyone again, and touring in the area.
Greg J.

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Hey Dean-you’re all set! The “R” was used early on to remind folks to complete registrations I’ll get a final attendee list of all coming to Colorado posted here soon.

Greg J - glad your coming no matter how you get here!!
A quick update - Candy and I are still coming but now flying commercial thanks to the maintenance gods. In the last two weeks the Sierra has gotten a new hydraulic pressure switch (thank you Mark Weiss for the fine work there), replacement Zeftronics ACI, a new alternator and fresh o-rings in the dump valve but after doing the detailed troubleshooting the gear pack itself is due for some love - the pack is leaking back pretty badly so the retract check valve is probably completely failed. We got 12 years out of the last pack and 21 years out of a rebuilt alternator so can't complain, just, as always, timing sucks.

A big shout out to Derek for putting in an unplanned full day chasing things and Rap for helpful advice. The pack is out and looking into IRANing versus an overall (thanks for the great info posted recently). I will call Power Packs Plus on Monday but we're out of time to get things flyable by Wednesday and even I can't bring myself to fly 700nm gear down :-).

So we'll miss the reception but should get to the hotel 730-8p on Wednesday.
Mark (and Candy)
Mary and I will have to cancel. Mary has taken a fall and had a possible mini stroke. We don’t feel she is mobile enough for an extended time which could compromise her safety. We all know how commercial air travel can be. So, there's a king room available, I just cancelled with the hotel.

We wish everyone a safe and fun BACFest, we wish we could have attended. Our BAC family will be in our thoughts all week and we look forward to pictures.

Gary & Mary
We are gonna miss you and Mary. I hope all turns out well and Mary recovers her health soon. There will be other BAC Fests and Fly-ins.

All the best!
Gary, sorry to hear. Take care of her and I will look forward to meeting you both another time in the future.
Gary and Mary, We were sooooo looking forward to seeing you at BACFest, but probably not as much as you wanted to be there. God bless Mary with healing and better health. Prayers are with you.
Also switching to commercial VS Sport. I really wanted to fly to this one, but I’m not willing to fight weather in the mountains single handed in a Sport. Still going to take two days. Flying to Winnipeg on Air Canada tomorrow and then to Denver on UA, arriving at 0830hrs on Wednesday. See you all at BACFest!

To Gary and Mary, best wishes for a speedy recovery. We’ll catch you up at a future BACFest.
Geesh Gary. Sorry to hear about that. I'll try to find some good food and take some photos of it for ya! Prayers for you and Mary!