BACFest 2009

We're home as of 1330hrs. The Trailblazer did well, but we would have preferred using the Mouse (We would have been touring Williamsburg, VA today).

Oh, well. Time to start in on San Antonio planning in earnest.

Bo & Sandra
Sharmalie and Steve finally home today, Monday, Carlos and I were the last to depart by aircraft, Monday Am, got at the airport and had to wait til 10am, heavy fog! by the way where was Steve Cote at this time, I don't believe he really left. Trip home was way better than the heavy IFR getting in, but it was surely worth it. Had a farewell dinner with Sharmalie and I, Carlos and Larry, Sunday eve. Sunday afternoon was spent running around some shops and about an even amount of time with Carlos and I running all the little kids in to the rails on go karts! Can't get any better than that, a real ego builder and a way to release IFR fustrations. Definitely see everybody next year.

Steve Koski
wizard said:
by the way where was Steve Cote at this time, I don't believe he really left.

Oh no; can't blame that one on me. We were way out of town...Harrisburg PA to Springfield MA. Just got in 2 hours ago. Long drive under crystal clear skies!! :shock:
Now that is frustrating.
In case anybody is interested in looking at the arrival to Bfest on Wed. here's the video Sharmalie took of our arrival around 6pm. Only the last minute of the 2 and half hour flight, first time we saw the ground.

I'm not sure how to post it, so if this didn't work search beech sport KGKT on utube and should come up, author is Sharmalie.

Steve Koski
So, where are the pix???

This had to have been the most photographed BACFest ever. There were camera flashes everywhere. I have some photos.

I had a great time. BACFest was hard for me to get to this year, but I made it again, YEAH!! My third, my girlfriend of 23 years zero, Hmmm. Well, maybe next year.

A BIG, THANK YOU to BAC and the workers, for the event, the museum tour and having the National Flyin, so we can meet each year. Seeing old friends, making new friends, learning, sharing hangar stories, seeing new places.

I have been around the world several times, but I had never been to Myrtle Beach, Santa Maria or Gatlinburg before BACFest.

I have been to San Antonio, usually about once a month. We will have another great time at this awesome city.


Have you noticed that some of our members have moved on to other aircraft to fill their aviation needs, yet have remained a member of this club? How cool is that? Several of these guys and gals made it to BACFest.

Mike R observation:
And some have unavoidably moved on to no airplane at all, yet remain with their fellow BAC members. I renewed a friendship with one of those great folks at this year's BAC Fest. At least equally cool, in my view, and a great testimony to the many new friendships generated within BAC over the past five-plus great years.
I originally joined to learn about my plane. I have stayed due to friendships I have made over the years. When my time come when I can no longer fly, I will still have my friends.
Finally made if home from my BAC Fest oddesy. 24.9 hours en-route. Due to weather, I had to take commercial air from Dallas to Knoxville and drive to BAC Fest. But the rest of the trip was ok, if not a little boring. KCHD - KFTW - KCPS - KBTR - KCHD. But, I'm glad I made the trip. So good to be with the group and see new faces. Learned a lot too. I guess that is why I'm in the club. I am really a newbie to the Musketeers and anything/everything I can learn is a gem to be treasured. Thanks to all who showed up and made this such a success.

One for all!

Marty Vanover
Phoenix, Az.

P.S. None of my pictures were very good. Musta been the batteries.
You didn't see me taking many pictures at BACFest. By Wednesday AM I had determined that the Photo Gods were working in concert with the Weather Gods. That overpriced camera was being petulant again. :cry: I'll be going back to the el Cheapo one I swipe from the Office.

But I did see a lot of cameras! So let's get those pix posted; inquiring minds want to know! Especially any secret photos of the Ladies Event on Saturday. We were mystified as to the source of peals of laughter from the other room. And Denise is not talking. (Our spotters never saw any Chippendales or such heading in there.) :wink:

If anyone has difficulty posting their photos, well, don't ask me since I usually have to fumble my way through. (I stopped asking Tim Flight how to do it because even his generous nature was being tested. :roll: )

But the key is to not use the massive formats our cameras are often set to. Most software bundles (HP, Microsoft, MAC, etc) have a utility for shrinking these large images (which are great for prints for the wall) down for email. My problem is that I usually go too far and end up with sort of a "Mega-Thumb" and never find the "goldilocks" setting. Anyone have any "advice for the complete idiot" (me)?
Pics need to be appx 145kb for the best resolution that is allowed on our current system (I really hope that number goes way up in the new setup that's coming). I use Mihov Image resizer...(FREE).. it has a batch mode so you don't have to do one at a time, here's alink too Dld it.

C'mon!!!! We that didn't make BACFest need pics!