BACFest 2009

I just returned from a biz trip, Montreal, Burlington VT, Hartford CT, Newport RI, NYC, Charlotte NC and home. It was great, but I am whipped.

It is great to be home for a day or two before heading to BACFest.

Just got a PM that Marty V. is passing through town, on his way, I hope to see him.

I should be there Wednesday evening for dinner.

I got a kitchen pass to drive on Thursday and return on Sunday. I pinged Marty on his offer to split a room. Will put in for the Vacation tomorrow and if all goes well, will register tomorrow night.
Hope to see y'all Thrusday at the reception.

Dr. Bill
N9230S Charlotte
I don't think we can make it to the Fest any chance we could get it on utube or a webcam??? Just did my 100nm night flight for my commerical and what a beautiful night is was. 160kts @ 7500 ken
Due to possible weather concerns, we are probably going to arrive on Tuesday and do some sightseeing... Gotta see if there are any rental cars left.

Bob and Jennifer Schmidt
Sorry Bill, I have been off line. I answered your PM. Come on, the room is available.

Marty Vanover
Phoenix, Az.
The BAC fly-out to Tullahoma from BACFest has officially been canceled due to weather. It is raining very steadily in Sevierville at this time with low ceiling and expected to worsen before it gets better.

So, attendees will hit the local air museum and other venues to spend the day.

Great group for a delicious dinner at Damon's BBQ last night. Reception and munchies this evening so come on over the Sevierville....just be prepared to make the drive not the flight!

Chris L.

Today was lots of show & tell, maintenance tips, presentations on the Bahamas and more. The weather is still rainy, foggy, and cold. Expecting ice on Sunday.

Everyone here is having a great time even with the bad weather. Many new friends have been made.

A good day. tour of the flight line, presentation on all the aspects of DUATS, Donut replacement, and making of farings for fuel sump. Then back to convention center for good pitch on Bahama trip and wing root seals. Then a dinner break and jawing about what the club can do relative to hard to find parts, now and in the future.
Dr. Bill
Today is another chilly, overcast day with fits of drizzle but we are undaunted! A couple of more members and spouses arrived today and the luncheon/business session was a big success!

Officially we have enjoyed the company of 46 members and 25 spouses for a total attendance count of 71. Not the largest attendance number but darned good considering the weather.

The announcement was made today that BACFest 2010 will be held at Stinson Field (KSSF) which is in San Antonio, Texas! So mark you calendar and plan to be with us next year in the Lone Star State!

The big show winds up this evening with cocktails, dinner, door prizes and the keynote speaker, Tom Turner. It has been a fantastic BACFest with lots of good fun, good information and great camaraderie!

See ya next year in Texas!
Chris L.
Strange phenomenon at BAC Fest! The sky has turned blue!
All the bad weather is moving the Northeast, rats! :roll:

Thank you all for making this one of the most memorable BAC Fests yet. This is the greatest family every. Safe trip to all heading home and Blue Skies to everyone who could not make it this year.

See you all at BAC Fest 2010 at SAN ANTONIO, TX!
I left BACFEST with clear blue skies. Steve was heading north and the weather seems to be heading.......north. I enjoyed meeting new BAC friends and visiting with the one I met before. The guys who flew into the event, my hat is off to all. I did notice a few of the planes could use some donuts. hint. Have a safe return to all and I will see you next year.
Had a great time this year. Wife loved the time spent, and enjoyed meeting alot of the wives. Shandy Beech, our pup had a good time also.

Hats off to all who planned the event and to those who helped pull it off. Was a great time. I wish to extend a thank you who put on the great presentations. They were great, I enjoyed them very much. I further enjoyed meeting alot of new people, and catching up on old times with those I've meet before. I enjoyed answering those questions that were asked of me by the members present, and hoped that I answered them clearly and hope they will help in keeping your planes that you love so much flying safely.

Looking forward to next year, and already have the time blocked off, now when the dates are confirmed, I will lock them in place.

Btw, like Bob Lewis, I also noticed that the weather was moving off slowly to the North and East as I was leaving...I wonder.... :)...Hope everyone has a safe, flight -- drive home.

Thanks again to everyone, and see you all next year, if not sooner...

Monty Spencer
White Bear Aero, LLC
Adrianne made it back to California and I am back in New York. Feels even more like winter up here than in Tennessee. Typical rain and wind delays into LGA but otherwise a pretty easy ride home. Thanks to AA and American Eagle for getting me there and Adrianne home and to Delta for getting me back to work.

We had a great time! Friends met in Myrtle Beach two years ago (our first BACFEST) are becoming better friends and new friends get added at each event. Congratulations to all who attended. While we applaud those who fly in, I also want to thank those who flew commercially or drove pretty long distances to participate. It is a testament to how great the BACFest events are and we all gain from a larger participation base.

A special thanks to those who planned and ran this event. It all takes time and effort and the rest of us appreciate the work and good planning.

Dan Jonas
Bob and Jennifer are safe at home after driving to Lexington to retrieve our Sundowner and then flying back to Wisconsin.l

Thanks to everyone for a great time and we will definitely see everyone in San Antonio next year.

Steve 'Rainman' Cote said it well - it's like a family reunion, but I would add that it's a family reunion - with people you actually like!

Hope everyone makes it home safe and sound, especially those who had to wait an extra day to travel due to weather.

Great Event everyone!!!

Jack, John, and I had a great time. Thanks Brad, Steve, Chris and everyone else for putting together an excellent program.

Doug we'll see you soon maybe in NC or Rough River.

Based @ CKV
The Cote's are bunking down in Harrisburg, PA. Terrible mileage on the car coming up here. Felt like we were dragging an immense mass of, oh, moisture. :shock:
Candy is home and asleep. I am on my final train ride of the weekend - 1 train late thanks to USAir being 90 minutes late on a 45 minute flight. (Although I'm looking out on a cloud lit Pacfic Ocean working on a 22 oz Arrogant Bastard Ale, so the trip home isn't all bad).

As my 4th BACFest it was good friends and good times. I figure we need to hire out sjcote for a SoCal fly-in, we could really use the water.

A few bits for the rest of us not there. First - there won't be a firm date until we finalize with a host hotel, but we're shooting for the last weekend of September or the first weekend of October so you can start to plan (although understand we could be pushed a week or so from that window by host schedule).

Second, the decision was made to move forward with a major overhaul (replacement really) of the website. We will be posting more details very soon.
Candy is home and asleep. I am on my final train ride of the weekend - 1 train late thanks to USAir being 90 minutes late on a 45 minute flight. (Although I'm looking out on a cloud lit Pacfic Ocean working on a 22 oz Arrogant Bastard Ale, so the trip home isn't all bad).

As my 4th BACFest it was good friends and good times. I figure we need to hire out sjcote for a SoCal fly-in, we could really use the water.

A few bits for the rest of us not there. First - there won't be a firm date until we finalize with a host hotel, but we're shooting for the last weekend of September or the first weekend of October so you can start to plan (although understand we could be pushed a week or so from that window by host schedule).

Second, the decision was made to move forward with a major overhaul (replacement really) of the website. We will be posting more details very soon.
Candy is home and asleep. I am on my final train ride of the weekend - 1 train late thanks to USAir being 90 minutes late on a 45 minute flight. (Although I'm looking out on a cloud lit Pacfic Ocean working on a 22 oz Arrogant Bastard Ale, so the trip home isn't all bad).

As my 4th BACFest it was good friends and good times. I figure we need to hire out sjcote for a SoCal fly-in, we could really use the water.

A few bits for the rest of us not there. First - there won't be a firm date until we finalize with a host hotel, but we're shooting for the last weekend of September or the first weekend of October so you can start to plan (although understand we could be pushed a week or so from that window by host schedule).

Second, the decision was made to move forward with a major overhaul (replacement really) of the website. We will be posting more details very soon.