BACFest 2021 - Tullahoma, TN, 13-17 October 2021

Information updated in the pinned post.  I still have some who registered and paid last year, or registered and didn't pay yet, who have not re-registered and updated their form for BACFest 2021.  Please do so as soon as you are able. 
I also have a couple of people who have booked a room, but not registered yet for BACFest 2021.  I ask that you also please register for BACFest 2021 as soon as you are able.
Linda and I missed the Holiday Inn Express BAC hotel so I looked at other options.  I looked at the Hampton Inn which is a very nice hotel and I am a Hilton Honors member.  It was quoting $184/night.  I also looked at the Baymont Inn by Wyndham, Tullahoma and elected to stay there.  They are usually nice hotels and I got it cheaper through Expedia than through Wyndham Rewards for $121.75/night.  This hotel is closer to the Holiday Inn Express and fits my tight wad personality better.  Others may want to consider it.  
Michael Nielsen said
Linda and I missed the Holiday Inn Express BAC hotel so I looked at other options.  I looked at the Hampton Inn which is a very nice hotel and I am a Hilton Honors member.  It was quoting $184/night.  I also looked at the Baymont Inn by Wyndham, Tullahoma and elected to stay there.  They are usually nice hotels and I got it cheaper through Expedia than through Wyndham Rewards for $121.75/night.  This hotel is closer to the Holiday Inn Express and fits my tight wad personality better.  Others may want to consider it.  

I will remind people again to make sure you go to the hotel website directly to book.  You are correct Mike, the,, price does show as $183-$184, however, if you go directly to the Hampton Inn Tullahoma website, with the Honours discount I can get the rate as low as $148. Sometimes the broker houses are not always the best deal.....

I forgot that I did that with my Hilton Honors membership.  Still quite a bit higher than the BAC Holiday Inn Express rate.  Thanks anyway Jeff.  I am still going to come out way ahead at Baymont.
Alan White said
Hampton Inn website says they are sold out for these dates. I might be doing a Redmon!

It would appear that the Hampton Inn has no more rooms available on Wednesday and Thursday night.  A couple of our members have found accommodation at the Baymont by Wyndham, Tullahoma.  The Baymont is located right across the road from the Holiday Inn, so is very close to the rest of the crew.  Glad to see you coming to BACFest!
Larry and Rachael Wilkinson just registered and booked rooms at Baymont also. Hoping for VFR conditions to fly in. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Redcoats attendance now looking very unlikely as non-essential travel from UK still not allowed even for double vacc’d.  

Further complication would be that the AZ vaccine for one of us is not recognised by the US.  Airport hotel for pre-departure stay in UK has unilaterally cancelled our reservation and is closed to the end of October and airline has yet to confirm flight will even go ahead…….

We have a reservation at the Holiday Inn so if anyone is still looking for a place there just let me know and I will try to ensure it isn’t lost to a non BAC member.

We are sorry that we won’t see you at BACFEST/Beech Party but the above complications rather suggest that for us it was just not meant to be.
Jerry Neild said
Redcoats attendance now looking very unlikely as non-essential travel from UK still not allowed even for double vacc’d.  

Further complication would be that the AZ vaccine for one of us is not recognised by the US.  Airport hotel for pre-departure stay in UK has unilaterally cancelled our reservation and is closed to the end of October and airline has yet to confirm flight will even go ahead…….

We have a reservation at the Holiday Inn so if anyone is still looking for a place there just let me know and I will try to ensure it isn’t lost to a non BAC member.

We are sorry that we won’t see you at BACFEST/Beech Party but the above complications rather suggest that for us it was just not meant to be.


Sorry that you and Ruth won’t make it.

Here, I couldn’t even consider it, as int’l travel certainly won’t be resuming before Christmas,.......and........AZ is the only flavour available to our age group. I can see that being a complication for many destinations for Aussies. On the bright side, I don’t need to make any travel cancellations!
Thanks Mark.

Travel is still somewhat complicated and we are also running behind on a trip to Lilydale in Victoria to catch up with some friends there. We shall just have to wait this out.  Presuming we can get there whilst still mobile and retaining our marbles, are you within 2-3 GA hours of there?  2023 will be the earliest (and we don’t mean nearly 8.30 pm!

I will be cancelling our Holiday Inn accommodation for BACFEST 2021 on Tue 14 Sep.  Have a great time there all those who do make it


Lilydale? That’s literally just up the road, even closer than my hangar. Oh, we need to talk before you plan that trip.
Looks like Robin and I are canceling too. I go in for cervical fusion surgery next week. Doctor classified the surgery as "urgent". I guess that's better then "emergency".

Estimate is 6 weeks recovery time. So I don't think I'll be ready for 6 hours in a commercial cigar tube (each way) by mid October.

Sorry to miss you all.
jhbecker said
Looks like Robin and I are canceling too. I go in for cervical fusion surgery next week. Doctor classified the surgery as "urgent". I guess that's better then "emergency".

Estimate is 6 weeks recovery time. So I don't think I'll be ready for 6 hours in a commercial cigar tube (each way) by mid October.

Sorry to miss you all.

Sorry to hear about your situation Jack.  I had a 3/4. 4/5 fusion 5 years ago, so I can appreciate the "urgency".  They don't mess around once it's identified.  I will ensure your cancellation is processed and hopefully we will see you at BACFest 2022 once you've healed up.  If you could cancel your hotel booking that would be appreciated.  All the Best and don't push the recovery.
We are scrambling to get our Motorhome repaired in time to make the event! Thieves stole our catalytic converters last week, (4 other Motorhome’s as well). I just hate a thief! 
Calpilot said
We are scrambling to get our MotorHome repaired in time to make the event! Thieves stole our Catholic converters last week, (4 other MotorHome’s as well). I just hate a thief! 

Baptist theives!!!
Jack (and Robin),

Sorry to hear of your travails but send our best wishes for a post-op recovery that will leave you in less pain and able again to make cigar tube or Musketeer flights without having to even consider possible discomfort.  We too are sorry that we won’t see you (or anyone else) at BACFEST this year. Get well soon.
