BACFest 2018 - Louisville, KY Update

Linda and I have taken the whole week off for vacation. Our plan was to fly to St. Louis and overnight. Then on to Gaithersburg-Pigeon Forge, TN airport. From there we plan to drive to Columbus, NC to visit my last remaining uncle who turned 100 years old earlier this year and who we have not seen in 7 years.. After spending a few days in the Sevierville, TN area and the Smoky Mountains we will fly to Lebanon-Warren County Airport in Ohio which is very close to Sporty's. There we will visit Linda's cousin who we have not seen in 5 years. She live on an airport that her late husband started on his farm. Her house and what was once her husband's shop hangar are on the field. One of their neighbors was astronaut Neil Armstrong. Our plan is to fly to Sporty's on Friday morning and meet up with all those who are doing the fly-out and then fly to Louisville with the group. Consequently we changed our hotel reservation to reflect that we will be coming in on Friday. Problem is a thing called Gordon. This is the second year in a row that we will have a tropical storm affecting us. It will be gone by the time BACFest rolls around, but we may have to change plans over the weekend into the first of the week. Anyway, we will see you for the first planned event of this BACFest.
We will be arriving Thursday mid-day. We saw billboards advertising electric bike tours of the caverns. Here is the link. Looks like something fun and unique to do during some of the free time.

The Kentucky/Indiana weather pattern the past week and looking toward next week has been sunny in the mornings, partly cloudy in the early afternoons then rain and some thunderstorms after 3:30. Temperatures have been peaking the low 90's mid-afternoon. If arrivals into KJVY can be planned prior to 3:00, hopefully the weather won't be the issue it was last year.
Looks like we are in the process of changing our plans to flying commercial due to tropical storm Gordon. It will be causing a lot of precip in the first half of the week when we are planning to be in the Ohio-Tennessee area. Had to spend part of our vacation at home so will try and book a trip.
My wife is already pointing out activity next week and is only a fair WX flyer
I just keep telling her it’s only 2+hr flight but after living in south Florida for 60 years she doesn’t want to her it
So I will decide Tuesday wether to fly or take a few hour drive
Unable to find satisfactory flights so Linda and I won't depart until Sunday. Will go about half way and then likely fly to Jeffersonville on Monday. Weather rest of week looks good.
FYI.....this weekend I will be sending additional information to all registered attendees with the most updated schedule, approach chart info for KJVY and I69 (Sporty's) so everyone will have the frequencies and also a discreet frequency for the FBO. They'd like us to call in about 20 minutes out so they'll have a golf cart out to direct everyone to parking as they exit the runway.

Additionally, there is a propeller overhaul shop at KJVY that we are going to tour and spend some q&a time with shop personnel. They also are going to offer dynamic prop balancing at a reduced cost. I know several of us took advantage of the opportunity to have our props balanced a few years ago in Dubuque, so this will provide another opportunity.

Watch your inbox either Saturday or Sunday.

Unfortunately, I can't make it to BAC Fest this year. A series of financial setbacks have left me with no expenses for travel. Being on a fixed income I'm just going to sit here until the monthly funds start re-filling the bank account so I can get the credit card balance in order. Sometimes it's not nice to live on a fixed income. I'm learning though, I had a "no-drive day" today.

Sorry I won't be able to see my good friends that will attend. Hopefully next year will be different.
Still hoping for a RON at KSIK after departing San Antonio on Tuesday morning. Then onto BACfest for a Wednesday morning arrival.

And . . the camper van is fueled and ready for a 1,050 mile road trip if needed. The trumpet will travel .... regardless. Hope they have a flag out front ......
We are still on track to come Wednesday. Forecasts have improved and much of the midweek rain is gone at least on our route.
Going to possibly try and leave out Tuesday
Brad—any idea about room availability for Tuesday night if we come in early ???

One BAC Fest before we were delayed during the trip and got in a day after our hotel reservation. Paid for a room to stay empty that night.

Not promising but let's stay in touch, if Anne & I get delayed we should be able to work something out to get you guys covered.
Mid-week weather does appear to be improving once the remnants of Gordon pass through this weekend.

Fred, additional room nights are available at the hotel. If you need to adjust your reservation, best to do so using the online link.

Trumpet, yes, a flag is prominent on hotel property overlooking the interstate and Ohio River. May be even better photo ops overlooking the river from the Belvedere adjacent to the hotel. If you do have to arrive via camper van, and it won't fit into the hotel parking garage, we should be able to park it at the airport without any parking charges. I'll get you back and forth as needed.
I was planning the one-leg trip from Northern Virginia for Wednesday, but it now looks like Tuesday may be the best day to begin. If I can get out, the latter part looks good for a mid-afternoon arrival Tuesday. I'll work on getting my room a day early as soon as this looks probable.

Thank you Brad for all your time and efforts!!!

Looking forward to this.
Thanks. I spoke to hotel and right now they have rooms for Tuesday
We are going to make a decision later today or by morning on our mode of transportation
Watching Florence at the moment and will make a decision as it gets closer to shore
Thanks Again
Situational awareness for those arriving from the West or Southwest:

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: m_818745577059143521title, width: 100%"]FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]VIP Notice- Cape Girardeau, MO (09/13)
Notice Number: NOTC8022
Notice: Expect VIP movement September 13, 2018 in the vicinity of Cape Girardeau, MO. Pilots can expect airspace restrictions in conjunction with this VIP movement. The FAA recommends that all aircraft operators check NOTAMs OFTEN for mandatory airspace restrictions prior to operations within this region.
Specific instructions and restrictions are available at once the NOTAM has been issued.
*Depicted TFR data may not be a complete listing. Pilots should not use the information on this website for flight planning purposes. For the latest information, call your local Flight Service Station at 1-800-WX-BRIEF.
I wonder if the throwed rolls at Sikeston will count as air traffic ..... ?

I will be careful, and thanks for the heads up.