One week until close of registration for BAC TAC


Around The Moon
Registration for BAC TAC closes on June 10th. That is to allow time for clearance into the Beech Factory.

Brad has posted when you can cancel and still receive a refund. If you're even considering going you should register now and book a hotel room. Check Brad's post but I think you can cancel up to the 15th and receive a refund. There will be no pay at the door for the banquet and if you're not registered you won't be able to attend the Beech factory tour.
And a final reminder, today (June 4) is the deadline to receive the group rate at the Marriott. Book today to receive the $103 rate.
OK. I'm in. First big cross country trip. Literally, longest flight to date was my PPL cross country in 2003.

I'll be flying on the 19th VFR weather permitting. I'm registered at Marriott and for the banquet / tour via Eventbrite.

Between now and then, I'm getting an ADS-B in receiver bluetoothed up to iPad Air with AOPA FlyQ EFB on passenger yoke mount. Should get Wx and traffic (FIS-B, TIS-B).
challenge coin BAC.jpgbac coin.jpg1z2z3z coin.jpgUnfortunately I will not be able to attend but the Beech Aero Club 10 year challenge coin will be there with our President to distribute. BTW ,all members will receive one this year. Make a fly in this year so we can save on postage and meet you all face to face.
Well, that Brad Mitchell is Super Cool!!!


Could you please give some coolness lessons, at this event for the one or two scroundrels that might show up?

Coolness lessons? It's kinda like you can lead a horse to water. But you can't make him cool.

Since Beech is involved with defense contracts, we are required to provide them with full names and current addresses of those BAC TAC attendees who wish to tour the factory. Therefore, if you are attending BAC TAC and you plan to take the factory tour on Friday, June 20th at 9 AM, PLEASE EMAIL YOUR FULL NAME AND CURRENT RESIDENCE ADDRESS to me. My email is sierraflier at gmail dot com.

Added comment: Sorry but NO CAMERAS will be allowed on the tour.
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Beech Factory Tour location:

[FONT=&quot]Meet in the lobby of Plant IV at 201 North Greenwich Road in Wichita at 8:45 a.m. on 6/20, the tour will begin at 9:00 a.m.[/FONT]

Please note, cameras and phones that take photos will not be allowed on the Beech Factory Tour.

Also, be sure to bring a government issued, photo ID with you.

Enjoy the tour!
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I seem to remember a thread quite some time ago that our Musketeers were not made in Wichita. I think someone said they were made in Liberal, KS. Is my memory in error?