East Central Region Events


Around The Moon
So far we have three events scheduled and two more pending.

Scheduled Events:

KOSU fly-in at Columbus, Ohio on April 28th. Hosted by Dan Kirby, we will meet for lunch at the Barnstormers Restaurant on the field around 11:30 with lunch at noon. You can taxi right to the restaurant and park in front.

KUES fly-in at Waukesha, Wisconsin on May 2nd. Hosted by Sam Cryer, this is a combination BAC event and Customer Appreciation Day for Sam's clients. The festivities start at 11:00 at PlaneSafe, the maintenance shop Sam and his wife Dru own. We'll have a special place to park BAC aircraft. Just ask to taxi to PlaneSafe. Cookout lunch and soft drinks!

KOSH picnic at Oshkosh during AirVenture, July 28th. Hosted by Larry Last, this is the second annual BAC Picnic on the Flightline. More details to follow, but basically the same format as last year - burgers, chicken, brats, beer, etc.

Two pending events:

Hillsboro, Ohio fly-in and tour of the GE Jet Engine facility. Date not yet set.

Mackinac Island, Michigan fly-in. No date or agenda set yet.

Any more???