SOUTH CENTRAL FLY-IN! April 28th, Texas/Oklahoma border, 3T0 - - Fly 'n Sail

I am pretty impressed that Steve made it down there from the STL area... The weather in Missouri was terrible.


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Flying down was okay with a bit of a headwind. Going home my flight planning involved leaving between 1100am and noon on Sunday, and plenty of faith that my window of flying would work out all the way home. Although a few times i may have been scrapping along the edge. I was vfr legal the whole way. IN flight weather helped a whole lot. I have a few pics to download from my go pro, when i figure that out i will link here.

Flying Sunday? That wind was horrible. A direct crosswind. Not good. Maybe next time. This is a favorite spot and great location for a flyin and sailing.
I would make a great all-round sailor.

I am often told that I am really tacky.
I have a mate that calls me "Transom". He says it is because I am pretty blunt.
My wife frequently says that she has "had it up to the gunwhales" with me.
I would make a great all-round sailor.

I am often told that I am really tacky.
I have a mate that calls me "Transom". He says it is because I am pretty blunt.
My wife frequently says that she has "had it up to the gunwhales" with me.

Sounds like a Texan to me--tacky, blunt, and keeps his old lady in a fuss. Now, just learn how to use "ain't" and "fixin to" appropriately, and you will fit in. Don't worry about the accent. The North Texans will just think you are from down around San Antone(io).