AOPA Regional Fly-In - Battle Creek, MI (KBTL) - Friday & Saturday, Sept. 16-17, 2016


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AOPA Regional Fly-In - Battle Creek, MI (KBTL) - Friday & Saturday, Sept. 16-17, 2016

I have been fortunate to attend two of AOPA's regional fly-ins. First Indy Regional in 2014 and Tullahoma in 2015. They just seem to get better each time. That is why I am looking forward to Battle Creek, MI on Friday & Saturday, Sept. 16-17 at W.K. Kellogg Airport (KBTL). I plan on arriving on Friday and camping by the airplane. Below are links to the AOPA website, Pilot Information Packet, NOTAM, and Event Schedule.

Friday 9/16 - Barnstormer's Party 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Saturday 9/17 - Main Event 7:30am - 4:00pm

AOPA Fly-In at Battle Creek, MI

Here is the link to the Pilot Information Packet or just the NOTAM. I looked through both. If you are planning on flying in. It is a must read.

Pilot Information Packet


Event Schedule
I will be there on Saturday for sure, but thinking of flying in on Friday and camping. I am only 40ish miles away, so weather wont keep me away.
I have attended two AOPA fly-ins and I have to echo John's comments. They are great events in the sense of enjoyable as well as informative. I attended the ones at Anoka County, MN (Minneapolis) and Colorado Springs and I would do it again if they were a bit closer. So if you have not attended one of these consider this one if you can. You won't be sorry.
Planning to arrive KBTL on Friday afternoon and departing Saturday evening.

Possible glitch in the plans is a failing (-ed?) vacuum pump on my most recent flight. I do have a standby vacuum source, and gauge readings appear normal with that knob pulled. More to follow.

Roland, Tom looking forward to seeing you both there. I will be leaving KMQJ (Indy Regional) around 1200Z today for Battle Creek. I will be camping by the plane.
I have arrived. About an 1hr17min after the radar vectors. First one at the camping area. Near the transportation tent and porta potties.
I'll be arriving between 1500 - 1700L, depending on the weather windows. John, I'll PM you my phone # - can you text me yours and I'll connect with you when I arrive.



Here is my camping spot.
Friday night's Barnstormer's party entertainment was Tommy Vale and The Torpedoes. I thought they were a great band playing mostly oldies. Much better than the group at Tullahoma last year. Camping was good until the T-storms rolled in about 5:00am Saturday morning. Tom Bragg forgot his tent and ended up camping in his plane. It was a wet Saturday for most of the morning. Eventually it dried up and it was another great AOPA event despite the low turn out. Tom Bragg and John Redmon were the only BAC attendees.

Tom Bragg arriving in his Super Musketeer


Pictured are John Redmon and Tom Bragg


These two ladies pictured below are Lou and Paula. I have known them since my first AOPA regional event at Indy Regional (KMQJ) in 2014. They are in charge of the camping area. Lou flew AOPA's Sierra to Texas for its refurbishment.


Pilots N Paws Booth



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