Larry Perry said
The Beech Bear has moved on to New York state!
Thanks to Pat and Nancy Long, plus an assist from their pup Piper, the Long's picked up Beech Bear this morning and it has now made it to the Finger Lakes Region of central New York.
Pretty neat watching them arrive at VSF this morning. Their '83 Sundowner, N6552G, has the same paint scheme as our '83 Sundowner, N65503, and the two airplanes are serial numbers M-2385 and M-2378...darn near identical twins. Pictures attached.

Beech Bear has already made a couple of stops in Pennsylvania, so it looks like the next closest state is Ohio.
Do we have an Ohio BAC'er willing to make the flight to New York for the next hand off? Please contact Pat Long so we can keep the Bear moving!
Larry Perry
'83 Sundowner