Across the USA-flight relay


Orbiting Earth
Working on a Flight Relay as seen in previous post to run thru all 48 states
Looking for pilots and planes willing to participate in the Epic BAC Event ( to be named later)
Anyone interested start by list Name, State , Airport Identifier and email
Fred Culleton
I have two trips to Missouri planned before the end of the year. One trip in a couple of weeks, weather permitting, departing N47 on November 5 and returning November 10. The second trip will happen in December around December 15, again weather permitting...
Keep those locations and dots on the map coming in! A good first estimate would be a 150 mile radius circle around each and look for overlaps. That would be a reasonable max mileage for me (go 150 east, and then a 300 mile jog to the west). But .... whatever!
I frequently traverse between southern California (KUDD) and Colorado (KEGE) so I can include Utah and Arizona as needed.
Sounds great guys
Will be mapping locations of pilot volunteers over weekend and see where we are lacking
Don’t want to have o e person fly numerous states unless no other choices
Would like to think we could get at least 40 +/- planes
Thanks Again
Then we will pick a Name and Launch Date