Total Eclipse of the sun

It is easy to post pictures. When you go to upload your images (I use .JPG files personally), Simply click on the "Insert Image" Icon in the top area where you are typing. Click on it and then simply drag your pictures into the box.

View attachment 24075

Once they have uploaded, hit send... All there is to it.

And $4.75 in Missouri is a good price. I am surprised they did not price gouge you for fuel seeing the Eclipse being a money maker for many localities!

The old system allowed us to find pictures in our files. In this system, I don't know where I would get pictures to drag in.
If you click on the Insert Image button, you can then either a) click on that little dotted rectangle (see below) and it'll bring up a window where you can search for the images, or 2) you can open up Explorer on Windows (Finder on Mac), find your file, and just drag and drop it onto that dotted rectangle. Does this not show up for you when you click the Insert Image button?
