Total Eclipse of the sun

April 8th, not 9th. Also, all the warnings about eye (and camera) damage are only true until (and after) totality. Once that happens, take the glasses off and just stare straight up (if you're like me, also with your mouth hanging open). I was in Casper WY for the last one. This time, it's Austin TX. A little too far for me to fly myself, so I'll be going commercial the day before. I'll be wearing my 2017 eclipse T-Shirt. :)
Fixed it. My sis's birthday is the 9th, must have been thinking about that.
AOPA has collected quite a bit of information on activities at various airports in the main path of the solar eclipse. One that interests me quite a bit is the Poplar Bluffs, Mo one. I've edited AOPA's advertisements out of their post so you can take a look for yourself. Here is the link:


These totality path airports are going to be zoos. Get there a day early and dont plan on leaving right after unless you are parked to be in the first 20.
I am one of the Lucky ones... I am less than an hour from the Center of it... Thinking about driving to it... But traffic will probably be bad as well. Will be a partial where I live, may just stay home for it. have not decided yet!
If you can see a total eclipse, do so! A partial just doesn't cut it. Unless it's very deep you won't see anything at all.
I called Poplar Bluffs, Mo airport today. I talked to the airport manager. If we are to fly there we have to have a reservation for the time around the eclipse. We are required to fill out a form and pay a $150 non-refundable fee for a reservation for a piston single. As of today they are 45% full. They are only parking the pavement. We would like to fly in on Friday and stay until the eclipse. There is a fireworks show to music on Friday evening. I think there is a concert on Saturday. Sunday evening is a Jeff Foxworthy concert. They will run shuttles. For the extra shows there are fees, but they are very reasonable. They did say there are other airports in the area that will not be charging to fly in. We are still thinking about it in spite of the non-refundable fee. It would disappoint me more if it was cloudy.
I know they probably need extra staff... But $150 sounds like Price gouging! I am going to Drive down to Perryville for it!
Perryville was packed when we went last time. Driving anywhere is going to be tough. Gouging? No such thing. Market driven.
It is looking better weather wise. Poplar Bluff, Mo airport $150 for three nights camping and parking our plane along with food trucks there is not price gouging. We looked at a motel nearby and it was going to cost $200 per night Friday and Saturday. No rooms were available Sunday night. We now have Jeff Foxworthy concert tickets. There is a music festival with food trucks downtown on Saturday from noon to 7 pm. There is a rock concert Saturday evening. Many other things going on. Something for everyone.
Anyone have an special plans to catch it?

The last one, August 21, 2017, I flew with some friends up to Perryville Regional in Missouri the night before to watch it. If you have never seen one, it is highly recommended.

Before...... then During
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This years is April 8th. Our plans are to fly to Temple, TX on Thursday or Friday before, depending on weather, to beat the traffic and to hang out with Tom and family until Monday and then watch it from his back yard. They are under the path of totality. Then fly home Tuesday(depending on weather).

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If anyone wants to meet up in Temple, I could be over there on Saturday. I am afriad that Temple will become a zoo on Sunday as all airports under the path will become madhouses. When we went to Perry Regional, there were at least 500 planes on the ground the day before.

Another option in the area and closer to the mid-point of totality is McGregor Airport, probably 20 miles north of Temple. This is the airport I fly into regularly from Dallas. But we'll be in Waco for the weekend and might drive out to McGregor. Not flying this crazy weekend.
Another option in the area and closer to the mid-point of totality is McGregor Airport, probably 20 miles north of Temple. This is the airport I fly into regularly from Dallas. But we'll be in Waco for the weekend and might drive out to McGregor. Not flying this crazy weekend.
You've raised an interesting dilemma Kelly. Will it be crazier with traffic on the ground or in the air. For me, I think it will be less crazy in the air. With ADS-B we can at least see and avoid other traffic. I remember the traffic we had in Nebraska during the 2017 total solar eclipse. It was cloudy in southeast Nebraska where we were and so we drove about 60 mile to Lincoln. It was very congested.
I treat ADSB-IN as a tool to assist. It is no substitute for looking out, but maybe you can see a plane that you had not already seen (Especially if they are coming from the direction of the sun. ADSB is a Tool to help, but not a tool so we don't have to look for traffic, because ADSB is not required in all areas and just like any other piece of equipment, it will fail at the most inopportune times. Working maintenance in the Airlines and we have TCAS. The TCAS system has one of the most High Rate of failure of any part on the aircraft from what I have seen from working with quite a few airlines over the past few decades. - We have lots of Tools... Many times how we utilize them is how good or bad they are! It can be the best tool out there and if not used as designed can be the worst tool out there.
You've raised an interesting dilemma Kelly. Will it be crazier with traffic on the ground or in the air. For me, I think it will be less crazy in the air. With ADS-B we can at least see and avoid other traffic. I remember the traffic we had in Nebraska during the 2017 total solar eclipse. It was cloudy in southeast Nebraska where we were and so we drove about 60 mile to Lincoln. It was very congested.
I agree that the roads will be far worse.
You've raised an interesting dilemma Kelly. Will it be crazier with traffic on the ground or in the air. For me, I think it will be less crazy in the air. With ADS-B we can at least see and avoid other traffic. I remember the traffic we had in Nebraska during the 2017 total solar eclipse. It was cloudy in southeast Nebraska where we were and so we drove about 60 mile to Lincoln. It was very congested.
Yea, would like to fly, but my wife will not fly...period. So left with driving. It's also her mother's birthday weekend so we'll be there for a few days. I would rather fly, but not going to happen.
Drift - but related: If you decided to see the eclipse by flying along the path during the event can you log the time in the dark as "Night"?? It would be an interesting way to get some night hours but still TO and land during daylight.
Good question, But I would venture to say No! The reason being (based on what I deal with on Airline Deferrals, Day time which we refer to as "Legal day time" is the published hours put forth daily Morning to Night!... The way we work it, is it is during the day time and we have the Nav Lights Deferred, it cannot fly at night, however during the day in low visibility they are still legal to fly! Just my opinion!

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