Texas 10K - Lunch at Noon - KANK - April 9th

trumpet nelson

Around The Moon
[h=2]Texas 10K - Lunch at Noon - KANK[/h]The South Central Region team has "gone off the reservation"! Come join in!

Meet at noon at the airport and we'll head to the Patio Pancake Place in Salida for the best breakfast/lunch in town. Your smiling host (Nelson 210-834-1991) will have his vehicle handy, or grab one of the two crew cars they have on-site. Scheduled for those planning just a day trip for our Texas 10K (see the BAC calendar). And you will have a free RON place to stay in case the weather gives us a hard time. Bring your airplane stories! Restaurant closes at 2:00 pm.

Tips for flying into the Salida, Co airport are attached.



(is someone able to change the thread title??)

Sorry about any inconvenience ... A schedule change here in San Antonio, unfortunately due to a death in the family.

Still on a Saturday (only one week to go!). Hope to see you there.

The slopes (Monarch Mountain) are open until April 10th if any of you want to pack your skis. I usually can get about 5 runs in after 2:00 pm (lift lines are small and 1/2 day tickets are about $30). Plenty of room if you wish to RON. Just send a PM so I can have a spot for you.
I went 1/3 of the way there this morning, looking at Tennessee Pass (the 10,424 pass to get through to go to Leadville). I was at 11,700 in absolutely blue sky morning. If next Saturday's weather is like today I'm looking at getting there. Out back in the warm afternoon may be another story...
Yes - - be on top of that density altitude. Dude.

Today's info for your pondering:
- current forecast high is 64 deg for Saturday, April 9th
- both Greg and I departed with temperatures in the mid 60's last trip up (after BACfest 2015). I was right at 200 lbs under gross. We both had wheels off during the first 3rd of the pavement, and Vy well established 1/2 way down the runway. Both of us have a 1976 (1977?) Sundowner 180's. Marty's performance duplicated ours ..... and then he retracted those wheels!
- here's is the bigger issue - - - currently 40% chance of thunderstorms. These can quickly pop up anytime after 3:00 pm. Pack a RON kit!

Taxi safe, fly safe, stay in the W&B envelope,
Hope you all can make it!! I departed from San Antonio yesterday and landed ANK at about 1:30 pm. One stop at Dumas for fuel and no issues with the weather. Some photos attached for fun:
- a few wind beaters in West Texas
- singing "Amarillo by Morning" at about 11:00 am
- entering the mountain valley with about 45 minutes to go
- left wing view about 15 minutes out and 12,500 to 13,000 on the altimeter
- clearing the ridge before the Salida valley
- obligatory wing shot upon arrival
- looking for "Mr. crew car" (it started right up)
- at the cabin

So ..... hoping to see some of you on Saturday .... or a few days before or after

Amen River House - 719-530-0603
my cell (only if in town) - 210-834-1991
or email/post since I come into town for coffee and internet each morning at McDonald's


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How were the winds going into Salida? We had 60mph winds here in Colorado Springs on the 5th. Saturday's forecast is for 10-29% chance of rain/snow late in the afternoon. Hopefully we can get the flight in and get home before that.

I came up a day early (on Monday) because of the forecast. Good call. Tuesday's winds were amazing here .... dude. This was the first time I ever felt "queezy" in the Sundowner .... while removing my portable gps WHILE IT WAS CHOCKED AND TIED DOWN on the ramp on Tuesday. Yes, I had to chase my cowboy hat ......

2 days to go - - - - hope to see some of you all here in Salida on Saturday.

I will be at the airport (aka - - airport bum) starting at 11:00 am tomorrow. I anyone wants to come earlier, just let me know.

Weather and winds should be not-great, but also not-bad. Actually, pretty good. We'll see how this very first ever TEXAS 10K works out ....... dude!

John - - my new flag is ready-to-go!


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Forecast briefing I just received says system moving in from SSE. My minimums to fly up here in the Rockies and especially over Tennessee Pass (10424) then over Leadville (9934) make it doubtful for me to fly. Morning needs to be pretty darn clear for me, then afternoon getting back too. Have to see what the morning looks like, in the morning. 90 miles might be too much if bad weather.
I am further south and east of Michael. I think early morning looks OK but am a little worried about coming home. Like Michael I will wait and see what the morning brings.
A successful (and first ever) TEXAS 10K was enjoyed by all! Dave flew in and arrived about 11:00 am, and Michael drove to Salida. Amazing what a free lunch will do! Good call by Michael due to ceilings at the pass, and we got a jump on the clock by starting our meal early to allow Dave a little more room with the developing weather. Dave's departure was exciting for all three of us, and then Michael got my 25 cent tour of the three cabins up at 10,000 feet (thus the name of the event) before driving home. Enjoy the photos, and we'll try to top this (yet again) with another south central BAC fly-in. Still looking at options .......

For my BAC-to-BAC after the 2016 BACfest, I asked these two Colorado experts about a morning trip to Leadville for coffee and "highest airport" T-shirts (for those that chose to head this way after our BACfest). It is a very short flight. All of us agreed it was a fun option to explore (weather dependent, of course), so you may see this on my activities list for those spending a night or two ...... or more. Exciting times!

Fly safe, always.


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Exciting departure indeed! It was only a 20 knot tailwind :o.

Dave that was an exciting departure, you had the benefit of the ATIS but Trumpet and I stood there in the gusting wind and watched as you lifted off then seemed to catch up to a tailwind gust about halfway down the runway and that dropped you :shock: until you pushed over the nose and got speed again and start climbing again :grin:.

Trumpet and I talked about where the downhill vs. tailwind break even point is, and that made me wonder about the many airports that have a preferred departure runway and when "weather permitting" puts the "preferred runway" out of reach. I found a thread discussing this and even an uploaded chart to handle the "break even" point: https://vbl.beechaeroclub.org/showt...pe-with-a-Tailwind?highlight=tailwind+takeoff.

The chart is in the downloads section (I found by searching niner761lima as the uploader). Another tool already there for us in the BAC website and I'm putting this into my flight bag/EFB.
Hi Mike, depending on the slope, I like 10 kts as the baseline as to when to depart uphill with headwind. Traditionally, a 2% slope has negligible effect on performance.

I hope this helps, James
Another post from your TEXAS 10K host for the "rest of the story" - - some pics of my return flight home and a good mountain experience photo.

- packing and extra weight to bring me to 118 lbs under max gross (see my thread on higher DA performance)

- Salida in the rear-view-mirror. After circling 3 times, then heading southeast. Airport is in upper left corner. About 11:30 am local time.

- this was the view straight ahead just as I was approaching Walsenburg, CO and clearing that high valley route, leaving the mountains.

- next two photos taken the same time as the one above. Not a good time to be turning left! But a great visual on how the mountain ridge can create weather that we need to avoid. Almost a guaranteed occurrence in the late afternoon each day. Heads up!

It was a 7 hr and 20 min trip home to San Antonio, including the 45 minute stop in Dumas (where I emptied that 5gal container of water!). All in all, a great trip.


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