North Central Region - Let's Get Together for some Fly-In's


Around The Moon
​Greetings to all BAC members in the North Central Region! Our region consists of Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North and South Dakota and Colorado. As you can see, that's a really big area but the weather's great now, so let's get together and do some flying.

Any BAC member can host or propose a fly-in. Any member, any region. A fly-in can consist of most anything that's of interest. It can be a get together of 2 (or more) for a meal at a restaurant on the field (or even off if we can arrange transportation), or maybe a trip to a museum. Having a BAC fly-in in conjunction with a local fly-in is a great way to get together. Food and entertainment is usually already on site! If you want to be more hands-on, host an event at your hanger and serve burgers and dogs to whoever shows up. Flying to a different airport to see your family or friends, consider calling out a fly-in at the destination airport and see how it goes! Even if you meet up with only one other plane you make friends and have fun.

What does it take to make this happen? Not a lot. For President's Trophy points you must post the event on the event calendar on the BAC website at least 5 days in advance but obviously, the more notice the better. Also, start a thread in the Fly-Ins section of the Forums on the BAC website. If you need any help with this, just let me know and I'll be glad to walk you through it!

Attending BAC sponsored Fly-Ins will earn you points towards the end of the year Regional Director's Award and the President's Trophy. Hosting an event will earn even more.

Remember, we are a big region that is sparsely populated so if you host an event and it's not well attended, don't worry about it. You did your part but if we start getting consistent about hosting events, people will begin to come out more and more.

Also remember, as your Regional Director, I'm here to help. I've made a list of regional events. Consider using one of these or inviting us out to that little gem of an airport that you know about!


Kansas: and

Minnesota: and


Nebraska: and

North Dakota: and

South Dakota: and


Home - Colorado Pilots Association
There is a Wing Nuts Flying Circus air show in Tarkio, MO Friday evening and on Saturday at noon. I've tried to raise interest in the past without much success, but maybe there would be this year.
Third Thursday in Mason City (KMCW). I haven't attended but understand it is a pot luck, so bring something for the grill and a dish. Non-towered airport and I hear Mark Baker of AOPA and DOC (the B-29) are expected there.
I posted a few fly in's happening in Iowa, Nebraska and Minneapolis for those interested and able. If you know of others let me know, the North Central is a wide area!
Sorry I have been out of the loop for so long. 28 sep 2019 pencil Lambert’s run into your calendars (Ksik) time to be determined. This is on the extreme south east side of the north central area so most of the attendees will be from other areas.