Across the USA - A Relay Fly-in

All pilots interested in flying a leg please start responding with State your in and City(Airport Identifier where you are based)
Probably looking for a start date around 2nd wk of November

That’s alittle less than 30 days to get this in the air !!
Just finished getting some eats after tieing up for the Night at TacAir at KAMA. Today’s legs where KVIS-KHII-KSOW-KAMA. So yes I made it to Texas from Southern Ca via the bumpy Albuquerque route. KAMA Line guys said they rarely ever see our birds but think another Sierra passed thru only a few weeks ago.

Today’s challenge was the 8,800’ density altitude takeoff at Showlow Arizona. Only 300lbs below gross weight and high temps that showed me only just below the shaded do not attempt takeoff area on our performance charts.

First up was a King Air medavac “The big older sister that lead the way.” It lept forward and was off in a respectable 1,500’ of runway. It was gone and over the horizon before us lowly peons could check our magnetos once more.

Next up was a B-55 baron “The middle sister preening her nose.” She must have been a desert girl Her paint was fading and because she was operating under a Cactus call sign “Not a call sign I have heard since America West went Tango-India-Tango up With U.S. Airways” has some hrs on her. Yet, they took up about 2,500’ ft of runway before they hit VMCG and clawed into the sky and they were gone before I could mutter a few more choice words to myself. Reflect some more on my 27years of airplane flying and count over a few things on my fingers again. But it was only 1pm and there was still 4hrs to the day.

I took the active at a running start this was no time to give up available inertia. With a flick of the wrist and a increase in engine noise I knew I had leaned for this takeoff just right. Even N397RC knew she had a family right to uphold today and gave it all she could. Like a steam engine chugging outta of the station and people still jumping aboard we we’re trundling down that crazy high runway.

All engine instruments where in the green. Clearly “Commander Tom”. We hope you make the grade surly was playing in the FBO.

Quickly or rather should I say slowly 1k,2k,3k approaching 60knots commander only one more thousand feet to go/no go on that high desert strip . Will what the hell I hit 61kts And gingerly lifted the nose. Like a heavily overlaided WWII B-17 she got off her barstool heaved a heavy sigh and climbed into ground effect inch by inch.

Like a rattler striking I Hit the gear lever and sucked up that drag and accelerated in ground effect.

And then N397RC did what every Sierra does it just didn’t care it started climbing 200fpm/300fpm/500fpm like nothing at all had happened back there on the runway. Like a good solid American hefty girl she just sighed and got busy and started cleaning up. And she did that all the way all on up to 11,500feet.

It was a glorious day gentleman, the glory was ours.

We ll see how far I get tomorrow. But glad to be back in the lowlands.
I love it Dan! Glad to hear you made it east of the Rockies... I purchased my former Sundowner from Amarillo, TX. She now resides in SOCAL near Lake Elsinore.
Today was KAMA-KSLR-KMEI-KISM home full-stop done. N397RC performed like a champ and is in the hanger.

Only hiccups today where heat started to effect my top #1 radio and cause some seriously static transmissions. Once it cooled off though 5/5. So going to have to reroute some cooling air back there. I saw there where some good threads on that.

Also departing KMEI I had the passenger door open right before rotation on runway 4 the short runway. So a reject was not in order and took it airborne. Single pilot no way your gonna get that Right door to close in the air in slow flight or a stall. If any of you have done so “Single Pilot”. I’m amazed and impressed and you must have really large, Neanderthal like arms.

I let tower know I wanted to return for an open door and do a touch n go to close it. They have a real long runway there and mischief was managed.

Only controllability issues I noticed with that was burbling at full landing flaps on the stabilator, but at flaps 10 was not an issue. So opted to land flaps 10. Close door on roll. And off I went.

If I can figure out to post pictures I ll move this all over to the Trip section thanks and have a great weekend.

I am really enjoying your contributions to this thread. Thread drift is always allowed around here !! The Showlow departure story was excellent!

My Sundowner does a very decent job at high DA lift offs from the runway,

but then the gear stays down for some scenery enjoyment while I circle the airport .....

Hope to see you in San Antonio sometime .... or at one of our fly-ins. Be safe, my friend.
Door drift: I've closed a door in flight, full stall, reached over and slammed it, but it was a slab-sided musketeer. I suspect the curved door models would be impossible. The burble you got was coming off the open door. Flightaware shows a series of enviable flights, great job. Probably time for an oil change?

This is a first attempt at 48 state event
Thought that maybe we can get the President (JP that is) to fly last leg to NC !!
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Obviously I did something wrong
Will try and get another member to display the proposed route
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Thanks RAP. Impressive you got the door closed. Good suggestion; I'll change the oil tomorrow. Spent today cleaning everything else up. I like myself a clean airplane inside and out.