Across the USA - A Relay Fly-in

A bag of checks $10.00 each made out to ? (AOPA Foundation?)
No weight and no security issue.
Maybe all pre/postdated to six months ahead.
If the whole thing falls apart the checks can all be put in the mail.
I can donate a bag.

I don't usually compliment dentists but Alan White has a good idea: "BAC+4th"
Thanks funny
You’ll donate a bag
Margie already said she would donate an OLD BAG for the whole trip 🤔

Turning out to be like an old Pony Express mail run

Love it !!
A bag of checks $10.00 each made out to ? (AOPA Foundation?)
No weight and no security issue.
Maybe all pre/postdated to six months ahead.
If the whole thing falls apart the checks can all be put in the mail.
I can donate a bag.

I don't usually compliment dentists but Alan White has a good idea: "BAC+4th"

+1 what Tom said. That may be the best way to promote to best type club in America, a bag of donation checks to AOPA Fdn., and a shared DropBox (or equivalent) to put photos from along the way possibly for AOPA to use for a potential article.
Sounds like a great idea. I am in for a leg of the relay. My good friend and flying buddy is one of the seven AOPA regional director, I can usually get him to ride a long with me.
We could give the option of AOPA foundation or the RAF...just saying. Not that I have a conflict of interest or anything!
A bag of checks $10.00 each made out to ? (AOPA Foundation?)
No weight and no security issue.
Maybe all pre/postdated to six months ahead.
If the whole thing falls apart the checks can all be put in the mail.
I can donate a bag.

I don't usually compliment dentists but Alan White has a good idea: "BAC+4th"

And I don't usually compliment Advertising Execs but rest assured, IF you ever have a good idea, I'll be first in line to compliment you!
I have a compromising idea that I think we should all agree to; Give me the money and I promise I'll use it for aviation purposes.
You have so much to work with here.
Because you have accepted the roll, here's what you have to decide:

1) Name ( I say "BAC&4th". Nelson says "Beech to Beach", others "BACWays", more potential names needed
2) Is it one flight or several?
3) Checks to (?) charity or children's toys?
4) Shall we make it only North America or worldwide?
5) Start place(s)?
6) Start date?
7) How do we all know the progress of the event?
8] Decide how we know it's over.
9) What do we do when it's over?

I think we have Mike Dunlevie and Rob Staab to thank for juicing this idea forward.
Once underway, we might consider this an annual event to be completed the weekend before Thanksgiving?

"Beech-To-Beech Express" :grin:
Sorry, late to this one. If KALX is one of the stopovers, free overnight accomodations. If just a fuel stop I'll do a quicky "post buy" inspection gratis. Local lunch if you like BBQ. Others BACers within out and bac range, same applies to you. Think Prez Points.

Keep in mind that fires not only in California, but Wyoming and Colorado have lowered visibility at times. Last week it was clear, but I did not see my home airport until about 10 miles away although I was at 1,000 ft. agl. Routes across the country may have to change when such conditions exist.
Just came across this. Your champion has arrived boys! I’m currently crossing the country from Gig Harbor Washington to Orlando Florida in my Sierra N397RC for those of you who want to follow my progress on flight tracker. Not a bad first day. It was a slow start out of KTIW due to low ceilings and high winds. Today’s stop and go’s where KTIW-KCLS-KOTH-O69-KVIS For a total mileage of 753NM and 80-gallons of gas burned. Will be crossing the high desert tomorrow enroute to Texas
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Enjoy your trip... Look out for the various "flight hazards" that seem to be identified along your route of flight.

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Needs to be a team effort and team needs to be put together quickly if going to do before thanksgiving or Christmas 🎄
1-team member to arrange pilots and planes for as many states as possible. Some areas a pilot can cover 2-3 states if needed but idea is to use as many members and planes as possible
2- start point somewhere in Florida
3-end point kitty Hank North Carolina
4- checks make most sense —made out to BAC then club can make donation of its choosing
5- after or at end of flight—PARTY!!!
6-all countries welcome just alittle more thought
7- as for keeping track or progress- phone call /text after leg flown —-like of days

FINAL Flight Plan will be based of number of planes and pilots available, But mission should still be at least touchdown in all 48 states .....
Sure someone could make FlightAware map with each N number and compile but I’m not computer literate
Photos of each plane, pilot, crew and hand off of YOUR BAG!!
** need a quick team and start date***
New list of pilots and areas they will be comfortable flying
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I just checked N753NM progress. Takeoff at 11:43 am near Great Barrington, MA flew 6 miles and landed 11:48 am near Great Barrington, MA. The flight depiction was shown on the map in Eastern New York state. Maybe I miss typed the "N" number.