BACFest 2009


Around The Moon
Its time to register and you can do so now. Just click and open the registration page: register here


Please note, you have to phone the hotel to make your reservations. Also, our local rental car supplier is Enterprise (865-908-3044).

Part of BACFest this year will be a fly-OUT from Sevierville (KGKT) to the Beechcraft Museum. We will depart for Tullahoma (KTHA) around 10 AM or so on Thursday, Oct. 15th. Lunch and a special museum tour will be provided by BAC and the museum. We plan to get back to Sevierville around 4:30 PM or so.

An alternative is being planned if the weather does not cooperate.

So make you plans and reservations to join us. If you don't fly and want to go to the museum, I'm sure somebody will give you a ride!

All for one!
Chris L.

(Note-I took the liberty of removing a lot of the earliest comments and posts because this discussion was getting way too long and new information has been added since the inception. -Chris)

BAC Fest 2009 Registrations

Based on all the previous & current posts, here is the list of those intending to come. If your name is on the list and you are no longer coming, please post a note and we will remove you from the list.

We will keep this list updated as additional people register.

BACFest 2009 Attendee List

Confirmed (registered on the website):
LeeAnne & Chris Linderman
Denni & Steve Cote
Ann & Brad Mitchell
Debbie & Gary Boyce
Paula & Mike Rellihan
Bob Lewis
Joe Gerardi
Dan & Ann Kirby
Bob & Jennifer Schmidt
Doug Muse
Cloyd Van Hook
Carlos Vares
Gary & Liz Cavasos
Larry & Sharon Ramsey
Gary & Patty Drussel
Dean & Dohnae Sikes
Mark Jones
Shirley & Roger Weber
Gene Nora & Bob Jessen
Sandra & Bo Boggs
Mark Weiss
Sarah Jane & William Howard
Sharmalie & Steve Koski
Carl Bastiani & Bill Stone
Marty Vanover
Anne & Mike Koenig
Steffi & Fred Culleton
Eddie Smith
Michael J. Murphy
John Redmon
Violet & Ron Powell
Marshal Whatley
David Ludwikowski
Shelby Smith
Chris & Rick Koch
Dan Jonas & Adrianne Jaski
Kathy & Ken Farley
Ron Benton
Sabrina & Chad Moser
Jeanne Marie & Monty Spencer
Bill Manhein
Kathy & Bob Palamara
Ron Beach
Greg Johnson
Candy & Mark Gooderum
Bill Sciscoe
Larry Perry
Jenni & Charlie Gregory
Jacqueline Gonzales & Scott Brunner
Paula and I have a nice cabin reserved for Weds through Sat nights (so we can bring Skye). Monty and Jeannie will be sharing the cabin (so they can bring Shandy), but they won't be arriving until Friday. Paula and I can offer the extra bedroom to someone else for Weds and Thrs nights, for half of the hotel room cost, if anyone needs the lodging. Must love dogs, of course, though Skye would take issue with his categorization (if he could read).
Clinderman said:
The hotel has already been selected and reserved. BACFest 2009 will be at the Oak Tree Lodge in Sevierville, TN. Sevierville is just a hoot'n a holler from Pigeon Forge which is just an apple toss from Gatlinburg!

Anyway, the Lodge does not allow pets but I have found two hotels in the area that do. If you are planning to take a pet (Mike and Monty for sure), then check out the Pigeon Forge Microtel at and/or The Quality Inn & Suites at There may be other pet friendly hotels or motels in the area, but these are the two I found after a short search.
This is a repeat post but time is closing in and you should start making your hotel reservations. Remember, the Oak Tree Lodge will be the headquarters for the event. You have to phone them to get the BAC special rate. Their phone number is 1-800-637-7002 or 1-865-428-7500. Just tell them you are with the Beech Aero Club group and you will get the reduced rates.

See you in Tennessee!
Chris L.
Paula and I are both registered for the event. But once again we had to make room reservations elsewhere because the event selection does not accept pets. I know Monty and Jeannie are in the same boat. Perhaps we are the only two families who have to deal with that. But if it were possible, we'd be staying at the event location with everyone else. I was in the event hotel in Santa Maria, since Paula and Skye skipped the California trip last year.

My understanding from the BAC Fest 2009 News article is that the annual banquet event will be on Saturday night. It might be a good idea, now that things are firming up, to populate the BAC event schedule (on the BAC Calendar) with each day's planned activities. At least we would have one place we could check for the latest info on each day's activities. Right now there are several Forum topics and the News article(s) on the subject.
I need to find a copilot or someone passing by that can pick me up. My medical is invalid until next year due to a unexpected find of a cancerous mass in my lung. I'll be done with radiation treatment on Tuesday but the regs say I can't apply for a medical until 1 year from my last chemo (6/25). I'm still flying with my partner and instructor so I'm technically current but with a medical that is technically invaldi due the the chemo and surgery.
Dr. Bill
76 Sundowner
Currently we have about 47 members registered for BACFest with room reservations. The total attendance (members plus guests) is around 71...things are looking better!

In fact, we need to reach our commitment of 40 rooms at the lodge or BAC will incur some additional expenses.

So, if you are planning to attend, we'd like to see you register and make your room reservations as soon as possible. This may help us avoid unnecessary expenses and help us make final plans for rooms, meals and transportation.

The early registration period will be ending soon (Oct. 1). Don't let this slip up on you.

All for one!
Chris or Steve,

Is BAC running vans from the airport to the hotel, like we used for Mrtyle Beach? What's the process to get from the airport to Oak Tree?

Steve koski
Hi Steve,

Oak Tree Lodge does not have shuttle service to/from the airport. BAC will not have vans this year, but there are local taxi services the FBO will call upon request. We are working with Enterprise for discount car rentals and should have that info available later this week.


Added by Chris L.
If BAC rents vans for "shuttle service," then someone has to drive them. The last time we did this the BAC members "stuck" driving did not get to enjoy the event. It is unfortunate that the area is mostly visited by tourist that drive and therefore having hotel shuttles is not cost effective for the hotels. Cab service is available. -Chris
Guys, I understand the cost of the hotel is higher than some and you can probably find less expensive accommodations. However, it is very difficult to find a hotel that will give a group rate in prime season. Most will not hold a block of rooms (they held 40)and provide services because realistically, they don't need to for business. It is in everyone's interest to support BAC hotels. Not only did they come to our support, they are acting as a base for our functions. If you need to go somewhere else in order to make it financially feasible to attend, better to have members than not. I ask if those who are in a better position, please support our Board by staying at the host hotel. We can use these figures next year when we negotiate with hotels for the next BACFest. With good support brings clout to our side of the table in our next hotel discussions. -my opinion
I'll be glad to split a room with someone if I get a ride there.
It's a bit long for me to drive there alone right now. I'm also looking for a copilot at my home airport so if that comes thru, I'll post it here.

Dr. BIll
N9230S Charlotte (8A6)
Bill, you might strike up a discussion with Monty Spencer. He and Jeannie plan to attend; but I don't think Jeannie can go until Friday (schoolteacher). Monty mentioned something about possibly flying up on Thursday. If he can firm that up with you, perhaps he could pick you up first. If you can get there, we'll find a way to get you back home. Paula and I will most likely have to drive. If we can't get you a direct flight home, you can ride back to Laurens with Monty or us; then one of us can fly or drive you home from here.
I am trying every way I can to free my schedule to get to Gatlinburg. I won't register until I'm sure I can come. Of course, I am more inclined to come when I see the list of people, many of whom have offered me information and advice. Sure would like to thank them in person!! E. Paul Jones
I am trying to carve a hole in the schedule for at least Friday and Saturday. I had a very encouraging phone call today.

The event is, of course, Wed through Sat with "stuff" going on each day. But if someone can only make it Fri and Sat, like Bill's situation, then "C'mon down!". This is our BAC Family Reunion, afterall, and we want to meet as many of you as can make it.

Saturday is the Annual Business Meeting, necessary for organizational continuance, and the Banquet Saturday evening. We'll have fun there.
Friday is the Maintenance Seminars and time spent braggin' about our planes at the airport. There is also a fine aviation museum on the field.
Thursday is the proposed Fly-Out to the Beech Heritage Museum. I hope I get to go but, with my prickly relationship with the Weather Gods, they may lock me in a room so as not to curse the trip! :roll:

Hey, we wanna see y'all (See? Even a Yankee can be bilingugal.) And this part of the world is beautiful this time of the year. (OK, all year 'round. But New Englandahs' caan't give 'way too much, ayuh.)
Rent a car and see the area; there's time in the schedule. Or take the trolley-bus (50 cents a shot) up and down the strip. Take it all the way into Gatlinburg and see how tightly you can cram tourism into a National Park. :wink: (Aww, c'mon, all you "Volunteers", I know it is tastefully done now a days. But I remember back was as bad as Cape Cod!:lol:

I went onto U tube and searched for Gatlinburg airport and saw some video's on the area. Helo's traning and a commercial training flight that went to Gatlinburg. Good to see and visualize what's coming on the approach to landing. One way I used to show headquarters (AKA the wife) where we goin.

Also used the garmin 430 trainer on my computer to review the approach and such. Good practice to stay ahead and prepare. Lots of rocks and towers nearby.

We look forward to seeing all again.

Steve and Sharmalie
Google earth is a good tool for visualization also, zoom in and then tilt down until you see the horizon.

Just flew to Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge this past July for vacation, there's a pretty big hill off the approach end of 28 to be aware of.

Wish I could make it, it's beautiful there and I would really like to meet everyone. Oh well, maybe next year.

Steve Miles
The image of KGKTon GoogleEarth is several years old. There is a lot of new construction around there and many of the fields and hillsides are now covered with houses. (Think Myrtle Beach with hills!)
The new terminal is abeam the numbers on Runway 10.
Roger on the tourist helos! Looks like every flat spot along the Parkway has a base for them. However they are pretty adept at keeping their tender bodies intact. They will look as hard for you as you look for them. :shock:
sjcote said:
The new terminal is abeam the numbers on Runway 10.
Roger on the tourist helos! Looks like every flat spot along the Parkway has a base for them. However they are pretty adept at keeping their tender bodies intact. They will look as hard for you as you look for them. :shock:
The terminal, as of July, was approximately abeam the 1,000 foot marker for 28. If you look at the dated picture on Google Earth, it is the squarish building with the black roof set at an angle compared to the runway with what appears to be a King Air parked in front of it.

The big hangar by the LZ of 10 is the Tennessee Aviation Museum, a very nice little museum.

When I was there the helos were giving very good position reports and were very interested in where all of the traffic around and about the airport was at.