Across the USA-flight relay

I’ll look at future events and dates
Looking at possibly mid Nov start
Finish date at this time is not known or really a concern
Expect it to be sometime in 2021 giving the fact that WX will play a factor around the country seeing that most flights will be VFR
Also won’t finish until we include our Alaskan, Hawaii and International pilots

Right now 37 signed in pilot around the country
Will get TC to post updated pilot list shortly
I believe 40 pilots signed in...
That wonderful guys !!
As we are preparing to get into the air soon a discussion about final stop ?

Aopa has not determined their strategy for 2021 other than a spring and a fall
So maybe a more central wider open outside area would be better for the gathering/ party , etc

Maybe Tullahoma??? Plenty of room , camping area, food truck maybe ....??..

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Keep in mind the Relay will be going on , I believe, for at least 2-3 months especially with including outside 48 states pilots
So we have time to alter final stop once first plane is in the air

Tom C will be posting updated pilot sign in later today or tomorrow for me
We also need to nominate the deserving charity that will be the beneficiary before the first leg happens, and set up the fund and the donation methods.

This might need some legal/tax status oversight as well. Let’s not leave any room for questions.
Cloyd, are you listening in on this ? MD, is this in your wheelhouse?
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Above my pay grade !
Maybe Greg and Beth. They seem very internet/business savvy!
Not committing just throwing out names
I assume that #28 is Bill, the Ten Foot Texan, because he never leaves so much as a shadow!

How do I/ can I get on that list?
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Your on the list
Living with a mother from Texas we were taught the Australia was lower east coast of Texas !
Correction Robert Staab not Stamb. Still at FWN

Aircraft is a Super Musketeer doing about 120 knots and a range of 500 miles due to pilot bladder.
You Are On The List
I can’t open the One in TC above, but you are on second page #40. Az. KRYN
