Across the USA-flight relay

Just thinking here... If the HOU people want to run it over to SAT and then Nelson wants to bring it here to DFW I can run it up to Oklahoma (Bob Lewis) although I have no idea where in OK Bob is located.
Jay that’s possible
But once it hits Texas Nelson has plans for multi flights prior to handing off
So just keep in touch with Nelson when you see it getting close to Texas
Thanks for offering

Bob thanks for offering the use of your SPOT

Jay does that mean I can add you to pilot list ??
If so send me your info
Name (obviously) and airport Identifier
Technology help needed! I've tried three times on three different days to sign up on the link provided by JP. The attached image shows the next screen after I hit submit. I have not received a confirm / validate your signup or any other notification / request to input profile information. Should I expect additional comms from the Constant Contact process, or is my part finished and I've signed up three times? :)
Constant Contact signup.JPG
I have no clue how the sign JP set up works or when I will get that info
Maybe JP can explain how it works and how if is retrieved
Sorry for confusion
You can just pm me info
Name , cell, email and airport identifier if not already done
The link is working fine . The club has a constant contact account. It has a lot of features that can make organizing easy. When you sign up with the specifics (the organizer needs) . It populates in a folder so the organizer can easily email the group . Fred give me a call when you get a chance and I can log you on and help you with it .

The same software is being used on the autopilot research group and the AV-30 Group buy program.

Some of the Regional Directors have utilized it to to send out fly in info to their regions .

We use it for our newsletter and to recruit new members .

They have toll free assistance also .
Met with Leonard Lim today in Ft Lauderdale
Very nice young man
Still hoping WX will clear so that he can pick up his new Sport and make the first leg of the 48 State Relay for the Club
Will keep all posted
ps. Believe the count is 38 pilots
I am out of town but will update when back home tomorrow
Bob Lewis

I missed a lot of the thread. Do we have a start date ? If not, let me throw this out. Why not do this on a time table to have the final hand off either end during Osh 2021 or one of the AOPA regional fly ins ? This would avoid the recent convid re-closures and be more weather friendly.
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