Across the USA-flight relay

Sparkie951 said
Investing in a log book would have been a good investment! They are cheap enough!

Good idea, we should have thought about a logbook 404 posts ago.  There is a logbook of sorts in the traveling package but I don't think all my entries are in it and I suspect others are not either.  All I can do is to try and clear up the flight history for my time as follows:

6-5-22      KPEO to KIUA (driven by Pat's wife)

6-5-22      KIUA to KJRO (flown in N9299S)

6-18-22    KJRO to KTZR to KJRO (N9299S- 1st attempt to pass off bear to J. Redmon but realized KY and WV needed complete)

6-29-88    KJRO to W95 to KJRO (N9299S- just for fun, the bear wanted to see Put-In-Bay)

7-10-22    KJRO to KDWU (N9299S- Kentucky leg)

7-10-22    KDWU to 3I2    (N9299S- W.Va leg)

7-10-22    3I2 to KJRO     (N9299S- back to Ohio)

8-27-22    KJRO to I74     (N9299S- passed off to John Redmon at Grimes Field fly-in)
Joe Kirby said
...All I can do is to try and clear up the flight history for my time as follows:

6-5-22      KPEO to KIUA (driven by Pat's wife)

6-5-22      KIUA to KJRO (flown in N9299S)

6-18-22    KJRO to KTZR to KJRO (N9299S- 1st attempt to pass off bear to J. Redmon but realized KY and WV needed complete)

6-29-88    KJRO to W95 to KJRO (N9299S- just for fun, the bear wanted to see Put-In-Bay)

7-10-22    KJRO to KDWU (N9299S- Kentucky leg)

7-10-22    KDWU to 3I2    (N9299S- W.Va leg)

7-10-22    3I2 to KJRO     (N9299S- back to Ohio)

8-27-22    KJRO to I74     (N9299S- passed off to John Redmon at Grimes Field fly-in)

That clears some things up and adds some confusion.

That was the first report of 3I2 I've seen. Got that added.
Now Jackson County, WV (I18), reported back in post 381, does not have a connecting leg.


Maybe I'll give up on tracking the legs and just plot the airports.
I did pick up the BAC Bear from Joe Kirby at Grimes Field (I74) on Saturday 8/27/22.  Then flew to KMQJ.  

8/27/22   I74 - KMQJ   Sierra   N18981   John Redmon

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I plan to fly to Coldwater, MI (KOEB) tomorrow, Friday 9/9/22.  Weather is questionable on Saturday.  I do plan to fly on Saturday if the weather is good.  I don't want to pass up an opportunity to fill in Michigan.   
Today I flew from my home base of Indy Regional to Columbus, IN for fuel.  Then to Coldwater, MI for lunch along with the BAC Bear.  It was a great day to fly on the way up.  Sunny and smooth.  Partly cloudy and a few bumps on the way back.  

9/9/22 KMQJ - KBAK First Leg.

9/9/22 KBAK - KOEB Second Leg.

9/9/22 KOEB - KMQJ Third and final Leg.


BAC Bear buckled up and ready to depart Columbus, IN (KBAK)

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Coldwater, MI (KOEB) in front of the Prop Blast Cafe

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Update on the BAC Bear travels.  I decided to take the BAC Bear to its second BACFest.  We traveled from KMQJ (Indianapolis, IN) to KCUL (Carmi, IL).  Then on to 2O8 (Hinton, OK) for $4.75/gal fuel.  A short hop to KBGD (Borger, TX) for another top off of $4.75/gal fuel.  A huge Phillips 66 oil refinery in Borger, TX.  Stayed the night since it was getting late.  Next morning on to KKNB (Kanab, UT).  Due to weather along the rest of the route of flight.  Stayed the night in Kanab, UT.  Next morning flew over the western portion of the Grand Canyon and on to KPSP (Palm Springs, CA).  Handed off the BAC Bear to Nelson Amen at the award ceremonies and dinner on Saturday evening.  I hope to see the BAC Bear at BACFest 2023 in Oshkosh, WI for its third BACFest.


9/27/22 Leg #27 KMQJ - KCUL - 2O8 - KBGD

9/28/22 Leg #28 KBGD - KKNB

9/29/22 Leg #29 KKNB - KPSP 

10/1/22 Hand off to Nelson Amen


KKNB (Kanab, UT)

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Arrival in KPSP (Palm Springs, CA)

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Hand off of the BAC Bear to Nelson Amen

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A big thank you to John R. for taking me to yet another State.  And ... I finally got to meet trumpet nelson, after all of this time.

For this photo, I asked trumpet to hold my wine glass.  I wanted to be "paws out", which .... I hear .... really makes me a chic magnet.  Sweet.

Looking forward to departing Palm Springs and visiting some more States.  I told trumpet we need an early wheels-up since the flight east will be a desert crossing.  He had better get all of his "stuff" packed and ready to go .....  I will be ready to hit the starter.

BB  (BAC Bear)


TENNESSEE  !!  (although I may have been here before)

I am here at the very nice Beech Party and enjoying yet another State during my travels.

The 3Z is looking good.  Paint job is beyond measure.  With that recent engine work, I told Bob P. that it would be best to have as little weight in the aircraft as possible for the next flight, so we decided I would take her up for about an hour above the airport and be super safe.  Here I am after a very thorough pre-flight and getting into the left seat.  I had Bob and Jeff dedicated to be my wing walkers (a safety request here at Beech Party) for taxiing.

Be safe,



BAC Bear flew in 3Z last year from PA72 to KTHV to W90.  Then W90 to KLYH to KGCY to KTHA.  That was his 61.56 Flight Review.
The map is updated with all of John Redmon cross country stops. Very cool!

I'm looking forward to adding your stops, Nelson.

Our west bound flight went well.  I climbed the plane to 9,500 ft and it cooled to 48 deg F.  Nice and smooth across the desert.  Made the headwind easier to take.

About halfway through the 3 1/2 hr flight, trumpet provided some inflight entertainment by holding the envelope to his forehead and guessing .... hmmmm .. $783 for the four nights at the hotel (resort fees, lodging taxes, blah, blah, blah ....)  And the actual amount - - $779.   Give that man a cigar! 

New Mexico was hot and dry, and I landed the plane at Deming.  Got a photo with the sign, as well as made a great friend at the FBO.  Then I just chilled out front while trumpet grabbed some candy, paid the bill,  ... whatever ... inside.  Come on man !  Wheels up time, trumpet!

No problems with the departure and I pointed the nose to the east.











I decided to set down at KCDH for fuel and grabbed yet another state on the list.  Still a little warm outside, so I appreciated the airconditioned break room.  I let trumpet take care of the decently priced selfserve fuel while I found ... wait for it ... two different airplane toys that were just my size.  Sweet !!



Overall, a nice visit to yet another state.  We live in a GREAT country!

Until my next stop, and .... fly safe (I do),

Looks like I might be adding a State to my Landed In A Beech in, bring back John's (AKA Sparkie) new Sierra to St. Louis. John, no Cats though, as I have higly allergic to them.
rkittine said
Looks like I might be adding a State to my Landed In A Beech in, bring back John's (AKA Sparkie) new Sierra to St. Louis. John, no Cats though, as I have higly allergic to them.

LOL... Elsa loves Driving in a car after I set the cruise control.... she knows she is on a long trip and she loves them... However, on this trip, she will have a Cat Sitter looking after her! I do intend after I get my license just to see how she does... but that is a long time of... Savannahs have a lot in common with Dogs, They are loyal, will walk on a leash, and travel does not seem to both them... However one difference, they do not warm up easily to strangers... 

BTW, you may get the opportunity to fly of the Gateway Arch to Saint Louis?
I lived in Naperville, Illinois for a few years where they had a leash law for cats. The Chinese restaurants were very disappointed when the law went into effect as there weren’t any stray cats to be found. 

when I was still married, my ex-wife thought I was making it up until she brought a cat home and I ended up in the hospital. 

I stopped for fuel in Raymond (KJVW).  The college had a brand new and very clean and very nice FBO building for us to use.  Highly recommended, also since trumpet told me the fuel price was a big plus.  I was looking for the supplies to make popcorn when I asked for the photo.  Unfortunately it was Sunday and the place was deserted.  Maybe next time I will swing by on a weekday.


All good,

