Western Tour - October 2015

I think most of our club members would love to do this trip. However, with the time and cost involved some are lucky to be able to fly a few hours a month. I think this is reflected in our fly in attendance. Personally it is time that kills a lot of my wants. After I retired I had plenty of time to square things away. When opportunity knocked and I returned to work I began treading water again. My 3 day projects turned into 3 month projects.
We are also jockeying for position among other recreational activities and limited budgets. My goal is set up flyins that are a one day event or will be relatively inexpensive for participants (Sedona excluded ). My 2 cents
Bob, Bill, Nelson,

You are all right. I'm fortunate that I don't see this type of trip as a big deal. Just some flying to different campsites and a bit of "sight seeing". I realize there are only a few in the club that have no work related commitments. However, the "Western Tour" is most likely a bit too grand for those who have the time, but now are on fixed incomes.

How about this: We all (all interested that is) meet at BAC Fest and head to the Rapid City area to camp on Sunday. I'll arrange for a tour bus to to take us to Mt. Rushmore and maybe to a lunch destination the next day. I think there is a campground near Custer that has a state airport next door. We could see the monument and maybe find a lunch before being bussed back to the campground. Then, steaks on the barbie for dinner and the following morning we scatter. I'd love to see (and spend a night) at Nelson's place in the Rockies for a night or two on the way back home. I'll do some more research and see if this would be a possibility.

Also on my list is the Northeast. I think my wife would join me (she'll join up someplace on the Eastern seaboard) and do some of the sights up in New England. She wants to see the Baseball Hall of Fame and it would be a great time to tour New England in the autumn.

Another Alaska trip is always on my mind. I'd like to fly into Ketchikan from Port Angles, WA. Then fly the Alaskan panhandle up to the South coast and over to Anchorage. Then, down to Kodiak Island for some fishing of a serious nature. But that will be for another time.
We have our reservation for Holiday inn Rapid City! Arriving Sunday, departing Tuesday for home. I'm not sure about the trip home, where we will stop, but I'm sure it will be a new destination to investigate.

.....Also on my list is the Northeast. I think my wife would join me (she'll join up someplace on the Eastern seaboard) and do some of the sights up in New England. She wants to see the Baseball Hall of Fame and it would be a great time to tour New England in the autumn.

Two empty rooms in Ocean City MD!
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Time to resurrect this thread for planning .......

All dependent on weather ....... but looks like about a 5 1/2 hour flight on Sunday for us to get to Rapid City (RAP) from DBQ. Looking for someone with knowledge to suggest a fuel stop. Marty's plans sound great. Camping Sunday night and Monday night. I will bring my camping gear for a "mouse camp" with Marty and his world famous BBQ skills. But if it rains, I'm joining Gary at the Holiday Inn. Hopefully they have waffles in the morning. Dude! Who else is in for RAP????

Then Tuesday early we head for my cabin (KANK), about a 4 hour flight for Tuesday. Looking for a possible fuel stop (Cheyenne? .... or another suggestion?) before jogging down to Pueblo and then turning west. Just call me wimpy for not taking on the peaks. I enjoy the valleys with plenty of room for a 180. That puts me at our cabins (my car is at the airport) for Tuesday and Wednesday night, and possibly Thursday night. Lots of room there ( http://www.coloradocabinrentals.com/ http://www.vrbo.com/482014 ) , so just let me know if you are heading our way. Who's in for KANK?

That's my portion of the "western tour" this time around, before I head home. Looking forward to DBQ and the BAC Fest (and .... bacon is in there somewhere if I recall ....)



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I'm pretty sure the "Western Tour" will be another time. Perhaps before or after another BAC Fest here out West. But, I'm still on for Raid City and the "Colorado Cabins". I hope others will join us.