
Level Cruise
Below is a listing of all the aviation organizations whose members receive discounted admission to SNF.  You will notice that they have excluded BAC!  Of all the nerve.  I can't fathom the audacity of ommitting the finest organization with the most esteemed ladies and gentlemen in aviation.

We must not ignore this slight.

When you go to the ticket booth at SNF, be sure to insist upon a discount as a BAC member.  If they won't give it, you can get the same discount with your pilot's license, or membership in one of the other groups, but we must make ourselves known!

[img title="Laugh" alt="Laugh" /][/img]

  • Academy of Model Aeronautics – AMA
  • Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association – AOPA
  • Air Line Pilots Association Int’l – ALPA
  • Allied Pilot Association – APA
  • Antique Airplane Association – AAA
  • Canadian Owners & Pilots Association – COPA
  • Civil Air Patrol, Florida Wing – CAP
  • Commemorative Air Force – CAF
  • Experimental Aircraft Association – EAA
  • Florida Air Museum (Aerospace Discovery @ the FAM)
  • Florida Antique Biplane Association – FABA
  • Florida Cub Flyers – FCF
  • Florida Sport Aviation Antique and Classic Association – FSAACA
  • National Association of Flight Instructors – NAFI

  • National Business Aviation Association – NBAA
  • OX-5 Aviation Pioneers – OX5
  • Quiet Birdman, Inc. – QB’s
  • Retired Airline Pilots of Canada – RAPC
  • Seaplane Pilots Association – SPA
  • Silver Wings Fraternity – SWF
  • Society of Aviation and Flight Educators – SAFE
  • The Ninety-Nines, Inc. / The Friends of the Ninety-Nines – 99’s
  • Ultralight Pilots Association of Canada – UPAC
  • U.S. Power Paraglider Association – USPPA
  • U.S. Ultralight Association – USUA
  • Warbirds of America – WBA
  • Women in Aviation – WIA
I guess that’s the list of groups that have bought display space. BAC is found under a shade tree!
Possible, but I don't recall the QBs as having display space in the past.  Or some of the others.

I think we've been insulted.  Pistols at dawn!
I would suggest you contact Mike Harding the Southeast Regional Director.  He is also the organizer for the the Beech Aero Club activities at Sun n Fun.  I know Mike has been working hard with the SnF organizers and I'm sure he would like to have this information for follow-up. 
Jeff Knight said
I would suggest you contact Mike Harding the Southeast Regional Director.  He is also the organizer for the the Beech Aero Club activities at Sun n Fun.  I know Mike has been working hard with the SnF organizers and I'm sure he would like to have this information for follow-up. 


I've emailed Michael with a link to this thread.  I'm sure he'll be equally enraged by this obvious slight on the part of the SNF organizers.
It's been a while since I was at Sun & Fun, but back then we shared a space with one or two other organizations if my memory serves me.  Sometimes it does not.  I recall that we had a limited number of free passes available (or was it free parking?), and we tried to limit those to members who were willing to spend a fair amount of time manning our booth.  The shade tree was elsewhere, but a great place to hang out.

I was at one of those SnFs, and we shared with the Cub and Ercoupe? type clubs, don't remember but we did share. The shade tree was a Rellihan thing, a couple of lawn chairs away from the shared tent, and a welcome place away from the heat and dust. We were also listed on the map that was part of the ticket pak.  As president of BAC I sought out the organizer, can't remember his name, but I thanked him for the free day passes. So BAC in the day we were recognized.

Beech Aero Club has been sitting under the shade/shelter of the Type Tent along with Commanches, Ercoupes, Cessna 120/140s and others, none of which are on the below list of aviation groups receiving discounts.  As Mark said, I recall seeing just about all of the organizations on that list in rent-paid display space.  Btw, the QBs do have quite a presence there.  Michael Harding, as have the past Southeast RDs, does a lot of advance work to get space for BAC in the Type Tent (possibly renamed and a different location this year) and space to showcase some of our aircraft.  Every couple years SnF seems to mix up the logistics for type clubs to display and Michael is doing a yeoman's job of dealing with it again this year.   Although we aren't getting our members a SnF ticket discount for being part of BAC, we are saving BAC money by not paying anything to display.


P.S. Ditto on "...the most esteemed ladies and gentlemen in aviation."
Bob_Prange said
Beech Aero Club has been sitting under the shade/shelter of the Type Tent along with Commanches, Ercoupes, Cessna 120/140s and others, none of which are on the below list of aviation groups receiving discounts.  As Mark said, I recall seeing just about all of the organizations on that list in rent-paid display space.  Btw, the QBs do have quite a presence there.  Michael Harding, as have the past Southeast RDs, does a lot of advance work to get space for BAC in the Type Tent (possibly renamed and a different location this year) and space to showcase some of our aircraft.  Every couple years SnF seems to mix up the logistics for type clubs to display and Michael is doing a yeoman's job of dealing with it again this year.   Although we aren't getting our members a SnF ticket discount for being part of BAC, we are saving BAC money by not paying anything to display.


P.S. Ditto on "...the most esteemed ladies and gentlemen in aviation."


Bob, might it be possible that you missed the tongue-in-cheek nature of my post?

(Of course, in today's world we should never pass up any opportunity to feel offended.)

[img title="Wink" alt="Wink" /][/img]
Florida Cub Flyers is listed, and they're a type club.  Also some antique clubs listed might be considered type clubs, like the biplane club.
Before I spend the effort to work up a good outrage, how many are going to SnF?  I am planning to be there every day. Under which shade tree does BAC collect?  I've never been, so this is a first.
I plan to be there either Tue or Wed, depending on weather.  Probably not both days.  SWMBO and I have another commitment for the latter part of the week.
I plan on attending for at least one day. Also, have never been before.


Is the owner of that Sierra at GIF, N6008U, a member of BAC? I always see it parked there.
DF14w said
I plan on attending for at least one day. Also, have never been before.


Is the owner of that Sierra at GIF, N6008U, a member of BAC? I always see it parked there.

I thought that Half-Fast had a B23? (N6082N)
Sparkie951 said
DF14w said

I plan on attending for at least one day. Also, have never been before.


Is the owner of that Sierra at GIF, N6008U, a member of BAC? I always see it parked there.


I thought that Half-Fast had a B23? (N6082N)


He does. If you read my question, I'm asking if the owner of the "Sierra" parked there is a member?
DF14w said
I plan on attending for at least one day. Also, have never been before.


Is the owner of that Sierra at GIF, N6008U, a member of BAC? I always see it parked there.


I believe so but I'm not sure.  His name is John Rasmussen.  I connected with him through the Winter Haven Pilots Association about a year ago.  We've met and we've swapped a few emails, but not since last spring.