KALX Donut Day Fly-in at Alexander City, AL

Please please please take a video and post it to YouTube or on the BAC Facebook. Even if not edited or poorly edited, it would be better than nothing!
Wed 1/29 Wx update. 3-4" snow on the runway, temps above freezing expected Thursday, so expect the runway to be clear by Sat AM. Dave's donut change won't happen by Saturday, but we can still inspect donuts and demo the tooling we have at KALX. When Dave can make it we will tape and post the effort. Will update tomorrow.

Well we didn't get snow here on the beach but ICE everywhere. Long Johns today. Temp right now in West PCB - 26*. Don't know why I moved up here. Spoke with the airport manager this morning at 1J0. Snow on the runway, should all be gone by tomorrow. Hope to see everyone at KALX Saturday.
Rap---still in Miami might not make it to the Donut Fest.........still not giving up, but looks doubtful.

Rap, I don't think I'm going to make it either. Plane hasn't been flown in several weeks and I'd be getting there about the time you're closing shop so I think I'll stay close to home and come visit another time.
thanks for the updates on attendees. We are still proceeding at this point. Weather looks good, roads open in the county at noon today. I'll check the runway today and tomorrow for residual snow if any. Always a crapshoot for weather this time of year.

thanks for the updates on attendees. We are still proceeding at this point. Weather looks good, roads open in the county at noon today. I'll check the runway today and tomorrow for residual snow if any. Always a crapshoot for weather this time of year.

Still optimistic that the weather will allow me to make the journey. It will be a Saturday AM decision after I consult FSS and the almighty TAF for my route. I'll try to stay south of the almighty ATL CLASS BRAVO.

see you soon I hope.

When enroute from SC I use KMLJ (Milledgeville), the 1500' stacks at Forsyth, and KOPN (Thomaston) as waypoints. That keeps me south of ATL and is nearly a straight 270* to KALX thereafter.

Weather update:
Runway clear and dry, so is the parking area. Sat says 62* with 30% change of precip. We are still on, but be safe as weather is iffy this time of the year.


We will start setting up at 7am and be there until......

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Wx for tomorrow Saturday is improving. Runway and parking all clear and dry. 20% chance of precip later in the day, 62* high. Should be a nice day. Remember $4.50 for gas to BAC members. I'll park my mouse in front of the maintenance hangar, N2339J, R/W/B.


I'll monitor 122.7 runway 36 slopes uphill and is the better approach.
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We are expecting fog tomorrow much like today. Im driving out to the airport in the morning and see. May not be able to get off the ground until around 9. Will everyone still be there ?

Man I want to make this trip.
We are expecting fog tomorrow much like today. Im driving out to the airport in the morning and see. May not be able to get off the ground until around 9. Will everyone still be there ?

Man I want to make this trip.

Looks like a little over a one hour flight for you. You might get there after Rap eats all the donuts but still ought to be folks around I would think.

That's the route I chose as well. Maybe I will get to see all the parachuters around Thomason I always hear on the radio for a change. The time change into Alabama will benefit me once airborne. Looking at the TAF I might get a later than planned sunrise start. I will post on here what my intentions are in the AM.

We will be at KALX at least til noon local, later if you call me. If you are flying from another timezone, when you reach the bama border, set your watch back 30 years. Safety first. Cloyd is right about the donuts.
I have overcast at 200 ft. Not expected to lift until after 11 am. Safety first. I'll just wait until next time. Count me out Rap. Mist right now then fog.
600 broken, 1,200 overcast. Temp dewpoint spread 4*. Drizzle. Looks like the weather bit us. Donuts are headed to the nursing home. I'll be at KALX anyway in case the Wx breaks.

Safety First.
