KALX Donut Day Fly-in at Alexander City, AL


Level Cruise
Join us for a SE Region fly in at KALX, Alexander City, Al, on February 1st, for Donut Day at ALX. Starting at 9AM local we will give a quick seminar on landing gear donuts for fixed and retractable baby beeches. IA Mike Goss and A&P Rap McBurney will be on hand to show you how to identify serviceable and end of life donuts on all attendees airplanes. Mike will also demonstrate how to change the donuts. Other topics will include knee pin and nose landing gear maintenance. We will have donuts (the edible kind) and coffee. We plan to wrap it up at noon, but if anyone wants to stay longer we can try some local BBQ.

Details to follow.


Count me in. Great choice for a program. I think I will stay for the BBQ. That was really good the last time. I hope you have a large turnout. Give my best to Mike.

I'm going to mark this date down and plan on coming as it sounds like a nice little trip from Nashville, not to mention the free aircraft inspection.

Thanks, Y'all. In the interest of science, I tested the Daylight Donuts today and they passed with "flying" colors.

Since it is well known that you are "thrifty", I suggest you let everyone know that you will have "fresh" donuts available. We are looking forward to seeing everyone. Please tell Mike "hello".

Mary and I are still planning on coming. Glad to know I'm not the only "thrifty" one in the Club.

I can't make it, but would love to see video of the presentation.

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If all goes according to plan, we will be changing the donuts on Dave Singleton's SD prior to Saturday. We may hold one MLG to demo to the group. Our IA, Mike Goss has a video camera, so we record something. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to edit a video? Is there cheap/easy software for that? Pls remember my SonyBetaMax is still flashing 12:00.

If all goes according to plan, we will be changing the donuts on Dave Singleton's SD prior to Saturday. We may hold one MLG to demo to the group. Our IA, Mike Goss has a video camera, so we record something. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to edit a video? Is there cheap/easy software for that? Pls remember my SonyBetaMax is still flashing 12:00.



If you unplug it, it will stop flashing.
It would certainly be nice to try and make this, since I need this done on my B24.

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Rap I have a program called Pinnacle. It will transfer video from a camera into my laptop. I can do that then send it out via email to anyone that wants it.

Sure hope it's a VFR day. Can't wait to meet some BAC members.

Since we're doing some mechanic stuff, Im bringing my oil filter. :)
We'll crap ! According to Intellicast weather, I have a 30% chance of rain next Saturday. Let's hope it's not IFR. I've been planing this trip since Rap posted it. Keep fingers crossed.

Weather today is WxSx, but current forecasts show 60's for Saturday, scattered rain. So as of now we are still on. Also, our KALX airport Manager, Mike Smith obtained a special fuel price for all BACers who fly in on Saturday, $4.50!! Don't pay at the pump, check with me or Mike Goss (IA) for how to obtain special price. Donuts, coffee, drinks will be ready by 8AM. Be safe.
