Harris Ranch (3O8)


Level Cruise
Dear BAC group,

I posted a fly-in planned for Harris Ranch (3O1) near Coalinga, California on the BAC calendar. If you missed it, here is the information again. It will be on the 27th of this month (March 2010) at 11:00am for a nice lunch. If you have not been there or heard, it is really wonderful beef. Please write or call so I can tell them how many of us will be there. Pilots always get a 10% discount, and I am working on a deal on fuel.

See you all there!
Mike Samac
Cell: (408) 234-5699
Hi Mike,

I will See you there! Nice place for lunch, I have flown there just for the fillets from the market to go. (My wife should know better than to send me to the store for steaks!)
Me plus one.

Sierra 6588R
I've want to eat there for some time! If I can convince my coaches to take over my little league game that day I will be there!

Steve F.
We're on tap to make it if weather cooperates. I'm a good solid year out of instrument currency a condition with which I hope to resolve but almost certainly not within the next 11 days...
Hello all,

I have committed to update the site if we had to postpone due to weather, however, from top to bottom, east to west, it appears we are on! We'll see you all there.

Hi BAC friends,

It looks like it will be a great weekend from NoCal, to SoCal, over to Nevada, and everywhere in between. It looks like we are going to have a great turnout of BAC folks, and some other friends as well. For those that did not know, you get 10% off meals when you show your pilot's certificate. I arranged at 10% discount on fuel as well. It shows $4.79 now, so with the discount that will be about $4.31, not bad considering the best price I could anywhere near is only a few cents less.

The price at the pump is hard coded, so to get the discount, you must go across the street to the service station and provide a credit/debit card. You then add your fuel, and go pay at the discounted rate.

They will also provide a free van, simply call 1-800-942-2333, and again mention BAC. The restaurant is only a couple of blocks, but if you have a pulled muscle, it could feel like a couple of miles. It should be a very fun event; I look forward to seeing everyone!

We're on track to make it - hopefully less than the 25-30kt headwinds at 6k-9k they are having today ;). The trip up and back was planning out at a almost a full hour delta thanks to that. Oil change checked out last weekend and she's already topped off. In a pinch we would almost have enough gas to get there and back depending on the trip up. Gas at KMYF finally spiked up well over $5/gal - it had managed to stay below $5 for quite a while.

Just picking over the sightseeing and reading up on the baker's half dozen LAX transition routes - lessee, Mini, Shoreline, SFRA, Coliseum and Hollywood Park offically plus the unofficial beach route. So maybe up east of LAX and hook the Mojave then Techachapi and back down the Grapevine and the coast...although up the coast puts the scenery on Candy's side of the plane...

I have not flown the LAX VFR corridor, however I been down to LA for a get together with Jeanne, Dan and others. If you fly over to Fullerton (avoid the Disney Land TFR), you just fly at 3000ft and see all the commercial guys lined up for LAX above you. It is rapid fire controller communications over LA, I had 8 controllers between Fullerton and Gorman VOR, but it was plenty easy to do. Be safe, and we'll see you and Candy there!

BTW – I learned to fly in Class-C, ARSA when I learned in the Bay Area in the 1980’s. I fly in SFO Class-B all the time, I think it is easy, but my idea of easy may not match-up to Midwest easy.

Remember I got my private at KLVK in 2002 so cut my teeth on Bay Approach (now NorCal for all the noobs). Also here at Montgomery we're still covered by SoCal - I don't get out and talk to LA Center probably until we're 1/2 way there...and sandwiched between the Lindberg surface Bravo and the Miramar surface Bravo. The plus is we're a smaller tail - escape is to the NE via the Julian VOR although even then you are SoCal until past Desert Center when they give you back to LA Center.

The standard Bravo transition to the north out of KMYF though is a good example of how San Diego SoCal is a bit more relaxed than LA SoCal - climbing left 270 to 2900 feet before crossing "the" 52 - and squawk 1200 right over Miramar through the surface - no need to talk to Departure - just fly straight until clear of Bravo...

P.S. Yes - it's still "So"Cal enough that freeways are proper nouns :-).
Mike, Thank you for setting up a very nice fly-in. The company and food were excellent. Mark, nice write up! On a side note, flying home, I was messing with my Centruy 1 Autopilot, I was rotating the knobs left and right and it decided to start working! lol, first time ever. It handled all but the heaviest chop on the flight home. Mike, where are the pics!? :)
Hi BAC Friends,

Here is the group that showed up. We had airplanes from San Diego, (people from LA) Woodland, Fallon Nevada, Bakersfield, near Bakersfield (sorry Kurt I forgot your town), and San Jose. It was a great turnout, thank you everyone that came. C'ya next time.

This was a BAC event only, no guest airplanes as it turned out.

That's Pam to my left, several folks accused me of renting her, most had never seen her because she so seldom joins me. In the photo going clockwise we have: Aldo Leonardi, Bob Lewis, Jeff and Jean Gurnee, Mark and Candy Gooderum, Pam and Mike Samac, Rich Kutzner, Kurt and Theresa Kruger, and Marlene Doug and Faucette,


A couple of Baby Beeches.


Here's four more.


Allen, I swear I'm on center line, Pam had the camera way on the right (are you buying that???). :-) Really, the runway is only 30 ft wide, that only leaves a few feet on each side for the wheels. This is the first trip I've had where there wasn't at least one crashed airplane sitting on the ramp. I kind of failed to mention that little tidbit in my original notice didn't I? :-)


Lots of pretty green mountains, but out in the desert, the green is already starting to turn brown, and it’s not even April. For you folks that haven't seen spring in California it is spectacular. However, all that lush green grasslands that grows everywhere in the spring is the same grasslands that you see in the raging California fires in the fall. There are four seasons here, mud, flood, fire, and drought!


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I have had the oppurtunity to fly over the Harris Ranch site, and suggest that if this fly in is held again next year it should be held a week or 2 later. The hills just to the west of Harris Ranch are ablaze with wild flowers. A picturesque scene that is just jaw dropping.

Rick Spann