Christmas At 34A - Fly-In/Owner Maint Day, Saturday 12/15


Touring the Galaxy
UPDATED 12/9/2007

I have limited the scheduled work at 34A for the 12/15-16/2007 weekend (one Annual Inspection only), so we can host a BAC Fly-In and Owner Maintenance Day on Saturday 12/15. The event will be free for BAC members and accompanying guests. If you do fix-up work on your plane, the only charge will be for any parts or hardware used. I'm not planning on getting into any time-consuming work like flap and trim adjustments, but we will play it by ear. We will crank things up around 0900.

If the weather is really nice (as it often is), we'll bring a grill down to the hangar for a nice cook-out. If the weather goes south for the event, we will all go down the road to the AYCE BBQ at Hickory Hills (includes ribs, chicken, pork, etc.).

We will be parking the fly-in planes in front of the large maintenance hangar. It would help if you can bring your own small tools like screwdrivers, just so I don't run out of hand tools for those wanting to do fix-up.

I'd like to start accumulating a head count for food planning purposes; who is planning to attend?

Tom Kinstler
Doug Muse
Jim Prescott
Joe Ludwikowski
David Ludwikowski
Chris Prentice
Norton Geddie
Kim Hifill
Monty Spencer
Jeannie Spencer
Jim Spencer and boys
Jim White
Mike Rellihan
Paula Rellihan
Well, somewhat to my surprise, we only have three attendees signed up so far. Is that really all the folks who want to come by 34A for an early Christmas Fly-In??
I bet we can convince Mike to wear a Santa suit if we get over ten planes. Come on everyone! I have the perfect suit picked out. :) You think I would fit in an Elf outfit. ????


I would like to fly over for this one. However, I won't know for sure until closer to the date.

Mike Earrey
I am going to try to make it... I'll be able to confirm after T-giving.

Paint job and annual finishing this week!! (after 5 months)

Jim Prescott
Just added the eighth name (Chris Prentice). So far it looks like there will be ten of us. Hope a few more can make it in!

I'm still negotiating with my wife, but I am planning to be there with N6629R and its other owner, Kim Highfill.

Norton Geddie
The first Christmas At 34A event is history. No significant rain for six months. Sunny and 75 on Friday. Sunny and 45 on Sunday. Rainy, cold, and low ceilings all day on Saturday. Member Bill Heybruck made it in from Wilgrove. Friend Al Silva arrived from Greenville in his Lance. Member Don Pollock was there with his nice Super, completing his first Annual Inspection since buying the plane last January.

The rest of us were all locals; Rellihans, Spencers, Boyters, etc. And we made the best of it. The grill went outside, for burgers, dogs, and sausages. All complemented by a shrimp ring, fruit compote, apples, mixed nuts, rolls, tater salad, coleslaw, baked beans, and a chocolate-chip cookie the size of a large pizza. Not to mention all the drinks, etc.

Thanks to all the help from Paula and Jeannie, we had some nice decorations for the hangar seating area. Ron Powell said he had never decorated a plane before; so we naturally had to drape some lights on his nice Sierra for him.

Photos have been posted in the Gallery! Wish more of you could have made it in! I still have some burgers and dogs waiting in the fridge!
I had a great time and 2.8 hrs of IMC experience to boot. It's 78NM from Wilgrove to Laurens and given the IFR route to get the GPS approach (West side of Laurens) took 1:45. At 5000 ft and 100 kts airspeed was doing 90 kts ground, ATC put me at 6000 and the gs went to 70 kts. Amazing what 1000 ft would do. In the clouds and light rain both ways.
Coming back ceiling was 400 ft so did the ILS at Monroe (7 airmiles from Wilgrove). Broke out at 20 ft above minimum with the runway dead ahead. Left the bird there overnight and brought it back home in the AM.
Wanted to change one of the dzus fasteners that kept falling out of the cowl and Mike ende up replacing them all with SS. Really looks alot nicer now.
THansk to MIKE, SPENCE and all the others. Good to meet Don too. NICE SUPER DON !!
Dr Bill N9230S 76 Sundowner
Tried my best to get there but couldn't get a ride to pick up my plane. Sent you an email with some questions but never heard back so it must have went to some other Mike.
Anyway, glad to hear that some made it. I really appreciate your help this year and I know I going to apprecate your help next year as, well, I need a lot of help (and so does my plane)!

Say Hi to Paula and Sky.

Craig T.
Merry Christmas, Craig! I don't remember a recent note, and don't hace it on file. It may have gone astray during our medical travel to Clarksdale. If you'll re-send it, I'll do my best to answer your questions. I am looking forward to seeing your Duchess again, with all the repairs and fix-ups that have been done on it.

Philippe Dave brought his Duchess back in, a couple of weeks ago, for some pending repairs prior to a re-paint. All new airframe brake and hydraulic hoses, some cowling repairs (with lower cowl insulation), all stainless-steel Camlocs, etc. Philippe showd us his new paint scheme plan; it sure is gonna look sharp! He took it from here to the paint shop; that's where it is right now.

Rick Hamilton is planning to bring in his Duchess, this coming May. Too bad that Dan's Duchess lives so far away (California). Now if Chad Moser can just come up with a way to one-time STC those IO360s for you guys for the next overhaul.... Can you say 'Perfect Light Twin"?!