Possible 34A BAC Fly-In And Work Weekend

Well, we just had two great days of 34A Work Day/Fly-In.

Saturday Doug Muse arrived, followed by Don Poitras; Monty and I made it a foursome. We got started on Doug's plane, and did a little minor tinkering on Don's. Don had to leave the same afternoon, but Doug over-nighted at the Hampton Inn. Goooood lunch of AYCE Hickory Hill BBQ ribs and all the fixin's.

Today/Sunday we had a downright crowd! Of course, Monty and I were there, with Doug in tow. Soon afterward Mike Dawson and Greg Johnson arrived, followed by Trae McElwaney who drove from Sumter (1.5 hour drive). Just as we were cleaning up for lunch, Tom Kinstler flew in, followed by Ed and Holly Weaver. Man! We had five Mice lined up on Tech Row, plus two in the hangars with the tools!.

After a great Sunday Dinner at Hickory Hill (again), the wrenches and screwdrivers really began to fly. I had some folding chairs set up, but never had a chance to use them. Next time we do this, I gotta set aside some loiter time for fly-in chatter! We had guys changing out wingtip hardware; guys setting rudder trim; guys getting flap adjustments; guys getting new door stays; guys getting flap and aileron dishing removed, guys getting new Camloc hardware. It was Mouse Maintenance Heaven. Holly almost got Huck-Finned into Pledge-ing the Weaver Super. Instead she did yeoman duty helping me re-rivet a bad spot in the right flap.

I had to do a name drawing here at home after the event, using only the names of the six who flew in, for the four door prizes. Brad, the four winners were Dan Poitras, Mike Dawson, Tom Kinstler, and Greg Johnson. Better luck next time to Doug Muse and Ed Weaver.

Mike, I heard a rumor that 122.8 Unicom heard something about a ball being centered, and 'Whoopee' or the like, sometime soon after departure....

All in all, it was a great cap to a great weekend, other than me being so sore I can hardly stand up....
We had a great flight home. For the first time since i got the new autopilot i was able to set back and fly hands AND FEET free. Ball is almost dead centered at cruise. Flew back with Greg and those wngtip strobes sure looked nice. I hope we can find a way to run wires to my wingtips. When are you going to post the pictures?

Mike Dawson
Wing strobes.

I agree I would like to have some wing tip strobes installed on my airplane. I will say that I could spot Gregs airplane well as the two of you left 34A. TM

What a great time to be able to come over, learn and get a few things done on 29JR. Thanks to Mike and Monty for hosting us! I can't wait until the next one.

As for Holly...don't let her fool you. When it's polishing time for 29JR, she is leading the charge and I'm the one taking orders!
I had a great time putting faces to the names, and seeing a good collection of these fine airplanes. I'm respecting our planes more and more as I learn. Y'all kept me these so late that Mike and I didn't leave until after sunset. It put us landing around 7:15+, good darkness. It was my first night landing in 25 years, and I didn't have any problems. (I've been practicing in "twilight" and also on a similator, so I wasn't concerned.) It was fun to have Mike a mile or two away to talk to on the way back on 122.75.
What a wonderful experience! Can't wait till the next time.
si ya
Mike, thanks again! I agree with Mike D. about the autopilot. It flew nice, level and faster. :) I was explaining to my parents what I had to done to the plane and had to put it this way "took the plane to Dr. Mike - he is a plane chiropractor - got everything lined up".

Those with dents in the skin.... give Mike a chance.. I had four large dents and they are gone now. Just call the Doc....

To all who attended, was a pleasure to have you all. After the "Mouse" invasion, I swear I heard the P and C birds crawl out of the dark holes they hid in and breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, I enjoyed the day and also enjoyed seeing some new faces, and of course the one's I already knew. Enjoyed seeing that many people and planes together. As a matter of fact, when I told my dad (one of the Airport Commissioners' / part time Airport Managers) that we had Five Mice on the back hangar row, he asked me twice 'how many??". He was very happy that you all made it both there and back safely and we had such a great turnout.

I would like to thank some of you, for allowing me to discuss and explain some new things to you, which I have learned not only from the "Sierra Doc"( aka Mike R.) but also from school. I firmly believe that more you know about your planes, the better pilot and maintainer you become. Again, thank you again for your time. I also noticed how much fun some people were having working on their own birds and the grins on completeing their projects; they all looked great and you did great jobs.

Looking forward to another work day at 34A in the future, and most of all meeting up with you all again. Have a great week end...and safe flying.

Monty Spencer

Before I forget, I will get the pictures to Mike for posting as soon as I possibly can. They all came out great!!!!