Buckeye, Arizona


Orbiting Earth
I am trying to decide if I want to travel to the Buckeye Air Show in February 2025. I have not seen anything posted yet. I'm interested in figuring out how many members might be in attendance. Nearby hotels are pretty pricey, and I probably need to decide soon or plan on staying farther from the event. Also need to decide if I want to make it a road trip or make some Southwest mileage. Anyone going?
I was going last year, weather stopped me. I'd like to try again in 2025. I think getting a rental car and using a hotel farther away is a better plan. Seeing the pics of on field camping don't thrill me.
I'd be interested in going. It's a 2-1/2 hr drive for me. Might be able to fly up with my partner Kevin, but there is always another fly-in (rotorcraft) close by and he doesn't spend much time at Buckeye. He might take his trailer up there, but probably only for an overnight. If I'd drive, I'd just be there for a day and try to get back home for dinner.
I have to get to Arizona over the next couple of months,, so maybe this would be a good time to do it.
I was planning to post an announcement for Buckeye 2025...but was waiting for AOPA to announce what hotels they had secured for a group rate. Last year, I believe they had arrangements with three hotels. So far, haven't seen anything yet on their website. Also, AOPA hasn't opened registration for attendees yet - just for exhibitors. Dates for this event are February 14-16 2025.

I think this would be an ideal time of year to have a BAC Event also, so stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.

Didn't mean to jump the gun, just wanted to decide far enough in advance if I would go (enough attendees from BAC) and how I would do the trip. There are several hotels that the Buckeye website is coordinating transportation with between them and the airshow. The room rates at those hotels are pretty tall. I'm surprised there is not and AOPA information.
Hi Dan,
You didn't jump the gun...its really about the right time to start planning an event like this. And getting BAC members to look at their calendars and think about attending. After all, this is the time of year to visit Phoenix because its usually cold everywhere else!!

I checked both the Buckeye City website, and the AOPA website. While the City has information out there about the hotels and transportation schedules, AOPA doesn't have anything yet. We stayed at the TownePlace Suites last year, but I seem to recall that we got a special rate for the event...which I thought was arranged by AOPA. Nothing currently posted about that on either website.

Last year, we made a last minute decision to drive based on weather, instead of fly in. Our transportation was covered and we didn't take the shuttle. The hotel was chosen because we thought we were going to fly in. However, if we knew we were driving we might have taken a different lodging option.

I'll keep checking the websites daily to see when more information becomes available.


Interesting that AOPA has nothing yet. November is not too early for most to plan a multi-day event with travel and hotel for February. It appears to me that AOPA is underperforming.
Folks, the AOPA website now has a registration link to the Buckeye event, and also there is hotel information there. So check it out if are interested in attending. I think there will be more information on seminars offered by AOPA there when we get closer to the actual event dates.
I just made my reservations at Holiday Inn for Thursday - Sunday. I would be arriving later in the day on Thursday and leaving Sunday morning. Driving in. Good time for a little road trip. I'm looking forward to meeting up with any and all members who attend.
Good Afternoon Everyone,
I wanted to start putting together a good time and location where we could meet up (Friday will be a travel day for me). As Doug mentioned, there are not many options near the airport, but there will be a food vendor area.
The Saturday airshow begins at 1200. One option would be to meet for lunch ~1100, and then watch the airshow in the AOPA tent at 1200.
There is an evening airshow from 5:30-7:30. So another option would be to meet for either a late lunch fillowed by the airshow, or watch the airshow and then go off airport for dinner and drinks.
As mentioned previously, I will be driving in and can help with transportation.


One thing to keep in mind is that AOPA seminars will be going on at 11:00 until about noon on both Friday and Saturday. The seminar schedule hasn't been posted yet, and we might not get it until checking in at the AOPA booth inside the exhibition tent.

We booked our hotel reservation at TownePlace Suites. They seemed to have a better rate than Holiday Inn. Hoping to fly in this year if the weather permits. We're going to try the shuttle to/from the hotel and avoid a rental car if possible, especially if others have cars for any off-site meet ups.

Hello Everyone,

Just a note to remind everyone the Buckeye Fly-in is a only a ~3 weeks away. Also, there is a actually a different thread with the title "Buckeye Air Fair & AOPA Fly-In", that also has voting button to indicate if you are planning to attend. Most of our discussion has been on this thread, but if you have a chance, please vote on the other thread also. I am still planning to attend on Saturday and Sunday.
Doug brings up a good point regarding the seminar times. I just checked the AOPA site and only one seminar is listed with a time or link to register, Rusty Pilots seminar on Sunday morning, however the town of Buckeye indicates a seminar at 2 (airshow performers meet & greet) and 3 (Learn to Fly). For now, I will plan to be at food vendor area at 1030 (I just ordered a BAC ball cap and will be wearing that).
I added myself as going. I will be there Friday and Saturday. Arriving later Thursday. If anyone around for Friday let me know best way to hook up. I am at staying at the Holiday Inn Express. Departing early Sunday morning.