BACFest 2018 - Louisville, KY Update


Flight Levels
As of August 13, 2018 we have about 55 people planning to attend BACFest this year. Below is the list from The Galt House of those currently holding reservations (not including spouses/guests). So far about 2/3 of the attendees have paid their registration to the club. Reminders will go out the last week of August to those that have not yet registered. Looking forward to another great turnout.

Amen, Becker, Booton, Bragg, Corcoran, Cote, Culleton, Dunlevie, Gooderum, Harper, Johnson, Kirby, Knight, Koch, Koening, Lindauer, Manson, Matz, Mitchell, Muse, Neild, Nielsen, Persinger, Poitras, Powers, Prange, Redmon, Schmidt, Sikes, Sniffen, Stevens, Trzynka, Weiser, White.
BTW - with Candy out of town the last five weeks helping out those of us in need checks to the club have not been getting processed. But unless I missed any in her pile there aren't any. She will be back next week and will get caught up then if any show up (and I check mail about once a week now - we just don't get that much any more).
As of August 13, 2018 we have about 55 people planning to attend BACFest this year. Below is the list from The Galt House of those currently holding reservations (not including spouses/guests). So far about 2/3 of the attendees have paid their registration to the club. Reminders will go out the last week of August to those that have not yet registered. Looking forward to another great turnout.

Wish we could make it but we will be out of the country celebrating LeeAnne's retirement! Everyone be safe and have a great time!
I just canceled my reservation at the Galt House. My wife just had surgery on her knee scheduled a couple of days before BACFest so I will be staying home with her. Hope everyone has a great time.
Not sure when or where to start posting travel plans for possibly a meet-up on the way there, so here is my current planned route:

- arrive KTKX (Kennett, MO) about mid-afternoon on Sept. 11th (Tuesday). RON after about 6.5 hours in the plane. Weather dependent, of course.

- Wednesday with only about 2 1/2 hours to go, a relaxing breakfast (pancakes!) and then I93 (Breckinridge Co, KY for cheap gas and another State on my map) and arrive KJVY, flight schedule being flexible for the weather and possible meet-up with a BAC member.

Brad, how much room should I have in the tanks for a minimum fuel purchase to support the kjvy FBO ??? I want to treat them right as well.
trumpet nelson said:
- arrive KTKX (Kennett, MO) about mid-afternoon on Sept. 11th (Tuesday). RON after about 6.5 hours in the plane. Weather dependent, of course.

Nelson, may I suggest you divert from kennet, mo over to KSIK to top off your tank at Lamberts.
Nelson, I meet with the FBO folks again on Aug. 29 and will reconfirm everything. When I first asked, they did not specify any minimums. Parking and handling was no charge and a fuel discount will be offered. I will post specifics after meeting with them again.


P.S. If KSIK isn't too far out of your way, I highly recommend stopping to fill your own tank at Lambert's. And the Lambert's van will pick you up at the airport then take you to your hotel after eating, if you overnight.
thanks Brad and Jay,

So ..... the plan is now Tuesday night at KSIK. Hopefully will have someone join me at Lamberts.

Side note - - great looking bike paths next to hotel, so I will be packing my folding bike. BEECHIN' AND BIKE'IN it. :)

Our tentative plan is to fly up Wednesday. Unless weather alters timing or routing we're shooting to leave early in the morning to have our layover at Pine Bluff, AR - KPBF - landing about 1030a for gas, bathrooms and lunch (lunch counter opens 11a) and back in the air by Noon for KJVY.

Depending on the fuel discount and bladders there might be a top-off/drop-off :D stop at KQJD (currently $3.70/gal versus $5.53 and <75nm SW of KJVY).
With good weather our plan is an early wheels up from Eagle, CO - KEGE, 1st fuel stop at Colorado Plains, CO - KAKO, 2nd at Osborne, KS - K75 and with luck RON at Kansas City - Wheeler Downtown - KMCK after 6 hours flight time. Next day to Hensley Memorial - KFTT - Fulton, MO, then in to Clark Regional - KJVY, 3.5 hours flight time, arriving (did I mention luck and good weather?) Tuesday the 11th. Might leave during the weekend and put in a few pleasure stops along the way, anyone have suggestions across this path?
Will miss you !

Regrets from Canada, but Leili and I will be travelling overseas and unable to make BACfest this year... which is really too bad given all the fun we have had in the past.

See you all next year,

Peter & Leili Foster

P.S. The Mouse is running fine, even if Leili seems to fly it more than me these days !
Margie and I will be arriving in Cincinnati on Tuesday, Plans are to stay at a friend's in Ohio that evening.
Wednesday we drive to Louisville in our friend's car.

We are free until the following Wednesday morning when we catch our flight to Boston.

After picking up a few dollars at Fort Knox, I think we would enjoy a visit to Mammoth Cave,
Regrets from Canada, but Leili and I will be travelling overseas and unable to make BACfest this year... which is really too bad given all the fun we have had in the past.

See you all next year,

Peter & Leili Foster

P.S. The Mouse is running fine, even if Leili seems to fly it more than me these days !

As I recall you are going on quite an adventure. See you both next year!
BACFest in Louisville is drawing near. Here's the attendance based on hotel reservations. A few people still need to register with the club and I will contact them separately:

Nelson Amen
Jack & Robin Becker
Charlie & Jean Booton
Tom & Lisa Bragg
Tom & Margie Corcoran
Steve Cote
Fred & Steffi Culleton
Michael & Anne Dunlevie
Mark & Candy Gooderum
Gary & Beth Harper
Greg & Jane Johnson
Joe & Chris Kirby
Jeff Knight
Mike Koenig
Rick & Chris Koch
Curt Lindauer & Jane Broeckling
Don Manson & Karen Lanahan
Michael Matz
Brad Mitchell
Doug & Susan Muse
Jerry & Ruth Neild
Mike & Linda Nielsen
John & Andrea Persinger
Don Poitras
Steve Powers
Bob Prange
John Redmon
Bob Schmidt
Dean & Dohnae Sikes
David & Lorrie Sniffen
Dean & Robynn Trzynka
Denis & Kathryn Weiser
Redcoats loading up the mules and preparing to march on Louisville. Seeing y'all will be a highlight of our year.
Jerry and Ruth, don't forget what happened last year in New Bedford when you "invaded"! :) Looking forward to seeing you next week.

Regrets from Canada, but Leili and I will be travelling overseas and unable to make BACfest this year... which is really too bad given all the fun we have had in the past.

See you all next year,

Peter & Leili Foster

P.S. The Mouse is running fine, even if Leili seems to fly it more than me these days !

We will miss you guys. Enjoy your overseas adventure and we will catch up with you again soon. Be safe.