BACFest 2016 – Abel Island


Touring the Galaxy
Just watched the BACFest 2016 and WOW, that looked like fun... That was a lot of mouses all in one area... At first I was looking at it as a short Runway, but seemed to work out great... I really look forward to when I can start attending them. Don't know who did the Video editing, but a Great Job and a fantastic choice of music to go with it... From doing some professional videography over the years, I look forward to future events and sharing...

Thanks to everyone who has offered Guidance, Opinions, and other miscellaneous information. Really helping me out.
BACFest 2016 was the best attended one we ever had in terms of numbers of planes and attendees.  It was held in a place that was easy to fly to. It was cheap in that room rates were about $89/night.  Everyone was in one hotel.  There was a river cruise on the Mississippi and a fly-out to Abel Island.  It was well planned by the Weiser's and the BAC should look at it again as a model for future BACFests.  The BAC census has doubled since then so we should be able to double the attendance of Dubuque.  By the way, when I was a director I posted a call for BACFest ideas in the forums.  Dubuque was proposed and the rest was history.  The BOD should return to asking club members for ideas.  Several years ago I proposed a venue but was told it was already decided and it has been that way since.  
BACfest destination used to be the worst kept secret in the club. I remember when Dubuque was leaked, I thought Du-where? But the venue was perfect for BACers and their Sigothers. Gambling, shopping, reasonable hotel rate, planned and hosted by the Weiser family. It was great. SWMBO and I plan to go bac some day. Percentage of membership attendance will probably never be duplicated. Since then the venue has been a unilateral decision without member input. IMHO that's a crapshoot. I agree with MN, we should solicit input from the members. All for one.

I would love to see them do it again... Would really be very little navigation required by comparison... LOL, Living in the Saint Louis Area, I could just follow the river! :) Once you see a Flock of Birds (Beech Breed of course) all on one field, you are there! I just hope they wait till I have my plane and a least be able to attend. That looked like a great time. I am sure the rates have gone up a bit as with everything on Inflation... But still would be a fun trip, and a little less than 250 Miles. Nice couple half hour trip, Due North (Almost).
A question for someone who attended "Abel Island" in a Sierra! Just looking at layout of the runway and watching some of the landings, how difficult was it to get in there. Saw some rough landings, but that could have been crosswinds as well... But by the Video, all of them kept their gear attached which is a good thing!
What the BOD should do is put out a list of say 5 destinations, and ask "all" the membership to vote on where it should be held. Top Vote getter wins. If you're going to be "All for One", that "One" isn't a dictator.
It isn't a matter of the Board not wanting input.  It is a matter of someone, or someones, stepping forward and volunteering to be the BAC Fest host.  This is a volunteer club and it doesn't get done without someone giving their time.  BAC may have started with ten (or so) original members but there have been plenty of later members that wanted to give bac to BAC for the great value of knowledge and friendship we get here.

You want to offer your town/area as a BAC Fest location?  Start a thread and offer it!  Want to see a location as a BAC Fest?  Offer to step up and do it there.  Do it alone or do it with a group.  Many hands make light work (as long as it is organized).

Of course you can suggest an area and maybe some other BAC member may say "that's my town, I can do it" and they will do the work.

If you want research, Brad M did a write up on how to hold a BAC Fest event that should be found by a search.
I am sure that Robert, Dan and I would be happy to do some volunteer work on the FEST or even just a local Fly-In, since the last one I tried got weathered out.


mdunlevie said
It isn't a matter of the Board not wanting input.  It is a matter of someone, or someones, stepping forward and volunteering to be the BAC Fest host.  This is a volunteer club and it doesn't get done without someone giving their time.  BAC may have started with ten (or so) original members but there have been plenty of later members that wanted to give bac to BAC for the great value of knowledge and friendship we get here.

You want to offer your town/area as a BAC Fest location?  Start a thread and offer it!  Want to see a location as a BAC Fest?  Offer to step up and do it there.  Do it alone or do it with a group.  Many hands make light work (as long as it is organized).

Of course you can suggest an area and maybe some other BAC member may say "that's my town, I can do it" and they will do the work.

If you want research, Brad M did a write up on how to hold a BAC Fest event that should be found by a search.

if the BOD wants input, they need to ask for it.  Not asking for it gives the impression that it is an issue closed to the membership.  This is what happened a few years ago when I wanted to propose Rapid City as a site. I called you and discussed it with you. Then when I proposed it to the president, I was told that theBACFests for the next couple of years was already firm. This surprised me because I was on the BOD at the time and it had never been discussed at a meeting.   We have a great and diverse membership and the Bod needs to use them.  i understnad some want the site to be voted on by general membership, but think that the final decision needs to rest with the BOD since there are a lot of factors involved that need to be considered.
My 2 cents....

Asking the membership to vote on the location could be a nightmare. With over a 1000 members how many would actually vote? If you didn't vote, is that a "no" vote for the location? I think the location should be left to the BOD's and the regional directors. Just say'n  
Calpilot said
My 2 cents....

Asking the membership to vote on the location could be a nightmare. With over a 1000 members how many would actually vote? If you didn't vote, is that a "no" vote for the location? I think the location should be left to the BOD's and the regional directors. Just say'n  

In my opinion (and not trying to throw out legal terms) but they would be "absentia" meaning that if they did not vote, they just did not count. so if you have 1000 members hypothetically and 525 vote, then you tally votes and the majority stands... Just a like a presidential election... You had your chance to vote, when it doesn't go your way.... "Sorry Charlie, Better Luck Next Time" (For those here who are an old enough to remember that one!
Watch the voting for the open positions in Dec. that’ll give you a voter participation rate. Probably less than 20 votes for any position.
Unclerap said
Watch the voting for the open positions in Dec. that’ll give you a voter participation rate. Probably less than 20 votes for any position.

From working with other Groups and Clubs, you are probably correct... However I would love to see one where the turn out was so successful that KOSH could not handle it... Take 1000 planes at 4 average per plane would be a great site to see... I know if I am in range with available time off that I will certainly attend... It sounds like an event of a Life Time!
Sparkie951 said
Just watched the BACFest 2016 and WOW, that looked like fun... That was a lot of mouses all in one area... At first I was looking at it as a short Runway, but seemed to work out great... I really look forward to when I can start attending them. Don't know who did the Video editing, but a Great Job and a fantastic choice of music to go with it... From doing some professional videography over the years, I look forward to future events and sharing...

Thanks to everyone who has offered Guidance, Opinions, and other miscellaneous information. Really helping me out.

Where did you find this video?  A while back I asked if we could get this as the video was taken down. It was one of the best days flying. 
Kyle Setrum said
Sparkie951 said

Just watched the BACFest 2016 and WOW, that looked like fun... That was a lot of mouses all in one area... At first I was looking at it as a short Runway, but seemed to work out great... I really look forward to when I can start attending them. Don't know who did the Video editing, but a Great Job and a fantastic choice of music to go with it... From doing some professional videography over the years, I look forward to future events and sharing...

Thanks to everyone who has offered Guidance, Opinions, and other miscellaneous information. Really helping me out.


Where did you find this video?  A while back I asked if we could get this as the video was taken down. It was one of the best days flying. 

It was under Member Resources and all the way to the Bottom