BACFest 2013 Planning.


Headed to Andromeda
Time to plan ahead and lock in your vacation schedule for BACFest 2013 Sept 19-23, 2013!
This will be our first Virginia Beach BACFest. Our home airport will be KORF, Norfolk VA International, and our sponsoring FBO is Landmark Aviation. With a brand new facility under construction now we should have a great time. We have a local team of Alan White, John Persinger, and Paul Werbin working already to male this a memorable trip. Fuel discounts and fee waivers are just the beginning. We have an entire floor reserved at the Waterfront Virginia Beach Resort and Conference Center.
In addition to the usual BAC activities we have a lot to see and do. It looks like we need to prioritize a bit. I am looking for feedback on the following list. What seems most cun for you and your families? Anything here seem "must do"? Or not so much? I think we can schedule the most popular for closest to the weekend and space others out a little.
Here is a partial list:
Fly to Wright Brothers airpory museum
Virginia Miles Aviation Museum
Do some grass strip landing
Night Airshow Friday at Oceana Naval Air Station
Sat or Sunday Airshow. Blue Angels!!
Colonial Williamsburg tour, fly or drive, outlet mall shopping.
Chesapeake Bay Dolphin tour boat/ happy hour
fly to Tangier Island KTGI
ATC radar facility tour
Group Seafood dinner
Beach Cookout Dinnerand
Maintenance Clinic. Oil chang? Tire change? Lube Landing gear?
there are a lot of choices here but we have some great local tour guide/ flight advisors so we can have multiple concurrent events. Let us know what you want! Or add your requests to the list.
It all sounds good. I like the idea of a maintenance clinic. I would point out that we had a maintenance clinic at the first BAC Fest at the Beech factory and we covered oil change and maybe tire change. I think Chris Linderman still has DVDs available that show this. I wish we had a DVD of Marty's presentation at Gulf Shores. I really wanted to see that but was not able to get there in time.
Paul, I would vote for a group flight. I personally like grass strips, but that may not be the best group idea. Tangier island would be neat. - Denis.

i would like several of the items:

the Aviation museums, both air shows, the seafood dinner and te ATC radar tour.
Any other maintenance clinic requests? I bet we can get more copies of the last dvd to share with newer members. I am ok repeating this if we have some that want hands on.
Paul, A few years ago, US Power Squadrons held a national meeting at Norfolk. While I was attending meetings, spouses toured the area. My wfe especially enjoyed the General Douglas McArthur museum in the old post office. So much so that she suggested I go and she went again. She also enjoyed a bus tour of the naval base.
The MacArthur memorial is still there. Now with a "High End " shopping mall across the street. Nordstrom's etc. But also the Battleship Wisconsin open as a museum nearby.
There is plenty to do here to fill up a few extra days before or after BACFest. The hotel will honor the special pricing for a few days. And as it gets closer we will make sure we have a few locals to act as guides. In the air or on the ground as needed.
The hotel registration is not yet open. But we do have an entire floor reserved. Keep the comments coming and our Mid-Atlantic team will create a great vacation and BACFest.
I think a short flight over to First Flight and the Wright Brother's Museum is on a lot of people's bucket list.
I can arrange for a great pizza lunch delivered to the AOPA built pilot lounge at First Flight Airport. This should ne a definite stop for anyone that has not been there.
I missed (or didn't make) the flight to First Flight when we were in Myrtle Beach.

I want to try to make it this time.