BAC Picnic at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh - Oshkosh, WI (KOSH) - Thursday - July 28, 2022

It was really cool putting some faces with names! Thanks to all of you guys that organized it. 

Sorry I didn't make it. Nahia, I and another couple loaded my 182 , but didn't make it past Frederick, MD on Weds. We went back and the next day took the friend's 182.  By the time we got there, it was late in the day. 

There's always next year....  
We had a perfect day for the BAC picnic and what a turn out.  The previous highest attendance was 37 in 2018 and a close second was 36 in 2021.  This year we had a record 71 members and guests.  We were expecting 55.  The attendance could have been even higher.  Several members with guests that RSVP'd did not make it.  Needless to say, all 66 hamburgers and 36 brats were gone.  Fortunately, we did not run out of refreshments.  Grilling kept me busy.  I started at 11:30am and did not shut down the grills until 1:15pm.  I would have liked to have visited with all of you.  Jeff Knight the President of BAC was in attendance and brought with him 10 shirts and 10 hats with the BAC logo on them.  They were given out to new members, first time AirVenture attendees, and then any remaining to members that wanted to have one.  I want to thank Bob Schmidt for hosting the picnic at his campsite in Paul's Woods again this year.  Without his help with the preparations the picnic would not be possible.  It certainly makes for a nice venue.  Looking forward to seeing you all next year.    


In attendance were Bob Schmidt, Steve Foerster, Jeff Knight, Jeremy and Emily Keyes, Bob and Andrew Prange, Chris Heman, Mike Newman, Mike Harding, Don Driggers, Jeff and Glenda Bohem, Don Westher, Joe and Don Fiddelman, Bob Kinnie, Mike, Linda, and Andy Nielsen, Bruce McLeod, Stephen Johnstone, Charley Booton, Ted and Sandra Nickson, Jon Persons, Ryan Butterworth, Jonathan Oliver, Dan Rothe, Nina Rossini, Warren, Tanner, and Melissa Smith, Rachel and Grant Ross, Mark Houpt, Brian, Taryn, and Elizabeth Rodgers, Nick Radloff, Bob, Griffin, Jordan, Kyle, and Dave Garypie, Nick and Jeanette Boland, Walter, Cameron, and Carson Ney, Mark, Yaxsen, and Zach Travis, Steve and Debbie Wyatt, Walter and Nathanill Harris, Dexter Rietman, Aaron Mosher, Robert and Donna Benson, Chris Ott, Jimmy and Eric DeLaGarza, Jim, Katherine, Carter Coletti, Jeff Winters, Duane Wood, Annie Mathis and John Redmon.  If I misspelled anyone's name.  Please send me a PM and I will make the correction.


Arriving in style in BACForce 1 is Jeff Knight.

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Everything all set and ready to go.

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Group picture.

What a great event!  I would venture to say that this has been the best attended event we've had this year and it provided a great opportunity for members to meet each other, put faces to names that we see in the forums, and to socialize about all things aviation.  I had a great time meeting everybody and I look forward to seeing many of you again at BACFest 2022 in Palm Springs this September and Beech Party in Tullahoma this October.  

John Redmon deserves a heartfelt round of applause for organizing this event, along with a huge shout out to Bob Schmidt and Jeremy Keyes for allowing us to invade their campsites and erect our Beech Aero Club tent.  That tent was the beacon that guided everyone together to "The Picnic Spot".

This is a great example of the type of things that the Club can do with, and for our members.  But remember that any member can host an event or a fly-in in their region, or at their airport, or at another airport that has access to a "Cool thing to see".  It's not difficult and I encourage you to talk to your Regional Director for the "how to's" and let's get these impromptu social activities going everywhere.

Congratulations to everyone for a wonderful "Get to know our members and friends" event!   