BAC Picnic at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh - Oshkosh, WI (KOSH) - Thursday - July 28, 2022

Aaron Mosher said

Aviator_ said

Details are not finalized yet. The plan is to have the picnic at Bob Schmidt’s campsite in Paul’s Woods as in previous years.  
If you didn't already know, I've seen a few people use "What 3 Words" to find things around Oshkosh and I think that's a great idea.

Example of locating a specific campsite at OSH:

Its way easier than giving nebulous street instructions (can get lost in the huge campground) or trying to copy and paste Lat/Lon from Foreflight which not everyone has.

The "What 3 Words" system makes a 3-meter grid on the surface, so its easy to find a specific campsite or vendor-tent location, etc.

Neat but how's it any better than simply dropping a pin on Google Maps and sharing the location. This way you don't have to remember another app that you don't already use all of the time.

Like so:
I changed the default view of the BAC Flight Relay Map to focus on AirVenture for now and added the meetup location of the Ice Cream Social and the Picnic. Tap the purple icons if you need reminders about the details of each meetup.

John,  add me as a tentative attendee. I’m still working the border issues and will attend if able.  
I will not be there, but this arrived in my Email today and may be of interest to anyone who may not have received it that is going to Oshkosh


Wishing all the best, Keep Safe, and Have a G-R-R-R-E-E-A-A-A-T-T-Time!

Increase my attendance to three people and ad Jeremy Keyes for three also.  Thanks.


Bob Schmidt
I’ve got a whole pack of Costco Bratwurst in my cooler, will bring it to this event so you can cook them and share them with the group.

(I brought way too much food, and I’m not going to cook it myself at North40, and I’m not flying it back home with me.)
Michael and Jonathan looking forward to seeing you both.  


For those that have not replied.  Please do so if you are attending.
Tomorrow is the big day for the BAC Picnic.  This could be a record setter.  Please bring chairs if you have them.  Below is my cell number if you need to reach me.  We will be taking a group picture to post to the forum.  So, don't run off too soon.  Stay awhile and catch up with old and new acquaintances.  Thank you.


Removed number.
Great day for a picnic.  Forecast is for mid 70’s and partly cloudy skies today.  Winds 10-15 out of the west.  Looking forward to seeing everyone today.  