Across the USA-flight relay

Easy hop from KJGG, Williamsburg, VA to Kitty Hawk. Can also meet up in surrounding Richmond area.

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How about I do Morgantown WV to Charlottesville, Va and you pick up from there to Kitty Hawk?

Great effort!!

If each of us will commit to contact and coordinate with our "inbound" and "outbond" pilot members (and cc you of course), then this could be an event that will run 90% by itself. Just a thought (or 2 cents .... whatever ....)

Looking like a fun run so far. Maybe someone place a "spot device" (whatever it is called) in the bag and then we can all witness the progress?? And (of course) a large bag of peanut M&M's for pilot fuel?

Great effort!!

If each of us will commit to contact and coordinate with our "inbound" and "outbond" pilot members (and cc you of course), then this could be an event that will run 90% by itself. Just a thought (or 2 cents .... whatever ....)

Looking like a fun run so far. Maybe someone place a "spot device" (whatever it is called) in the bag and then we can all witness the progress?? And (of course) a large bag of peanut M&M's for pilot fuel?

Good idea, so if someone wants to grab that beg of money and dash over to Mexico we would know at which resort to go and have a drink and a giant drunk party!

I'm based in New Bern, NC, KEWN with my Sundowner. Could do something to connect with Kitty Hawk, NC or....? Dave Phipps
All great ideas and most likely to be used
Several states have several pilots interested in flying, so as far as I am concerned if say Georgia has 3-4 pilots wanting to fly then I ok with one member gets with others in state and they can fly 1,2,3 or more segments in the state before turning over to Alabama
Once it starts no exact finish date do to several possible snags-/ WX probably the biggest
But as flight progress thru say New England then we can start advising group of expected ETA at First Flight to give all that want to attend final stop a chance to get there by plane train or automobiles or motorcycles!!
Sporty Dave— sounds great
You could possibly be next to last or last depending on if our President JP would like to take over the gold line!!
By the way love New Bern was just there
Also was where I was born !!

Since i have a background in logistics, I tweaked your original route listing to be more sequential and logistical. Most states on the route will be to an adjoining state, and is pretty much in an up and down/North and South vv direction. Hope it helps.


Nothing in stone
A lot has to do with pilot response
Then will send final for approval by members that are participating!
Alex Ponomarev, Slat Lake City, UT (U42)
Can connect CO to NV

I love the idea of coordinating inbound and outbound pilots ourselves, that way local weather can be accounted for by local pilots.

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I agree with you and Nelson
WX Will Be A Factor during this 10,000nm trip and each pilot is in control of his time frame and route to next point
Nothing will Be Dictated except who to hand off to !

*****Only Possibly 1 thing that might be Dictated
Tom Corcoran’s wife is demanding that Tom ride from start to finish
Along with passing the bag you get to pass TC to next pilot...
Keep in mind Margie’s ok if from start to finish takes several months !!!
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How many of the states airports have a "Passport" stamper that could be stamped on a "logbook". I believe Kitty Hawk has one.
How about some input on the following:

Instead of a bag collecting checks as you go would only leave the possibility of collecting 48 checks
How about anybody that is able to contribute just send $10.00 check to whoever accepts money for the club??

So instead of a bag, I have one of the BAC Club Banners that could be carried and handed off from pilot to pilot with each pilot listing is name and N number and route flown on the Banner with Sharpie

Banner can be displayed at future BACFEST Events ....

Just a thought, and comments are greatly appreciated.
We need some sort of public access donation page so that this is not limited to checks, US residents, or, for that matter, a fixed amount of $10.
I want to be a part of this too!

I am hoping that some publicity along the way might attract additional donations.
Mark like your idea ������
How about someone knowledgeable with this sort of thing (promoters, con arts, whoever) stepping up and helping out
First thing on your agenda is to get Mark W involved and then will be to get a donation from Him !!

ps. Who was it that had a flying friend that worked for the AOPA- maybe discuss with him for help, suggestions or an Article ??
Maybe someone with AOPA would like to fly a leg in their Sierra ???’
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I am already standing in line to contribute, just tell me how/where.

I don’t know how it works, but maybe something like a GoFundMe page??? We need someone that is tech-savvy to chime in here.
Let’s hope someone comes forward that can put this together
I have no idea— I have 45 years of experience destroying and making things go away !!
This is way out of my field- need some talented help, please !