Triple Tree (SC00) Chilly Chili Fly-In


Flight Levels
Lets make this a call out to all "Baby Beech" to converge on this beautiful grass strip and show our support for GA. Located in South Carolina.

I'm planning on going to this one as a "getting myself acquainted" to the area for the September fly-in. Check the website out this looks like a beautiful, long, grass strip.

Anyone who has visited Triple Tree before please comment, maybe your experiences can get use stirred up and moving. It's winter we need to motivate eachother to get out, shrug off that cabin fever, pull the crowns off them hanger queens, get together and have some fun.
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I landed there summer before last at the Sept. fly-in, and camped a couple of days. The grass runway is as good as it gets! 7,000' x 400' and almost as good as the best of golf courses. Airport is SC00. A decent portion of it is uphill when departing northerly (Rwy 3) . If I'm able to attend this Feb 7th, and if the wind is out of the north, I'll definitely start at the southern threshhold this time, so as not to have the illusion of not climbing when I reach the uphill part!
Looks like we will be tearing down for annual on the 31st hopefully no issues and I will be able to make it on the 7th. Fingers crossed
This is an official Mid-Atlantic Fly-In. Director's points are up for grabs! Donald gets 100pts for organizing!
Downtown Spartanburg Airport, only 15nm to the north is showing $3.97 for 100LL on!
I have my tickets and I am looking forward to seeing some BAC members.

Donald check your PM I'm sending you my cell #

I'm not going to make it. Persinger and I are going to try to make the Ice Runway in a few weeks so in order to keep peace in the house, I'm going to have to forego this one. Take pictures, let me know who's there!
I'm definitely planning on the fall Triple Tree though. I plan on coming and camping at least one night. I may bring the entire compound and cook out steaks for everyone again!

/Users/Alan/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Masters/2011/Apr 26, 2011/100_0290.JPG
I'm still going. I bought two tickets and have had three people cancel the ride along with me. Someone must have posted my landing at Luray on YouTube. So I'll be solo.