The back-to-back (BACTOBAC?) tour after BACFest 2015 - 2 + 2 nights

I have stopped at Luverne, MN on my way to/from Minneapolis or Oshkosh. Nice airport. Traditionally cheap fuel. They have a casino there they like to attract people to.
KLCG in Wayne Nebraska is Airnav's first choice at $4.19 a gallon, but then you don't get to land in Minnesota, fuel??? Thanks Bob! That is one airport I did not know about. Tekema, NE. north of Omaha usually has cheap fuel, but that would be a bit further south.
For those just joining into the discussion - - - please see my post #1 in this thread for the initial plans.

Of course, feel free to chart your own schedule and route. Be flexible! (I am ... with my credit card at-the-ready!) Yes - - I am a fair weather pilot(aka: cautious and happily getting old)

Wayne (KLCG) is almost exactly half way between KDBQ (278 nm) and KRAP (287 nm) and not far out of the way. With cheap gas? This has to be the pit stop.
I have landed at Wayne for fuel before and there was an accommodating group at the airport. The town got hit by a huge tornado a few tears back after I was there. Good place to stop.
Wayne dedicated a $950,000 addition to its terminal two months before the tornado in 2013 that nearly leveled the airport including the new terminal. There are ten scary pictures at this link if you want to see what it was like:
Wayne spent $2 million rebuilding a bigger and better airport a year later. Incidentally, Wayne has a big celebration the second Saturday of July each year called "The Chicken Show". Here is a link to find out more about it: I've never attended, but it might be fun to have a fly-in there. It would be great if anyone who is interested in this for next year to please let me know.
Bump to top .....


Right now its 3 planes and 4 persons going to enjoy the fall colors at the cabins. And 4 planes and 5 peeps going for Rushmore.

Fly safe, my friends,
I have been checking the forecasts for the route from Dubuque, IA Rapid City and from there to Salida. Rapid City looks like Sunday may be a bit of a challenge, but probably doable. Monday will be a good day there. From Tuesday to Salida, more of a challenge with T/S in the forecast. Yes, this is pretty far out for a reliable forecast, but it is something to watch. I'm probably not going to risk flying in the Rockies with questionable weather. Will know more while at BAC Fest.
Marty, since I'm riding with you, I agree on being cautious in the mountains. I will bring my homebuilt ADS-B in receiver, so we can at least get real-time weather. I've only used it on the ground, but it seems to have the same sensitivity as the Stratus I in the Sundowner (i.e. reception of a single ground station when at specific airport locations.)
As long as John Redmon is flying along with us spitting out ADS-B out queries, we should get pretty good traffic, too. Thanks, John!
KRAP: I talked to John at Westjet Ari Center. They do have plenty of hanger space available for $44/night (no discount w/ fuel), and they also have a deicing tower. He said that the weather is still nice at this time.

KANK: I talked to Zac, airport manager. They do not have hanger space, and no deicing capabilities. He does have a new snowplow, so can clear the runway okay.
They’ve only had 1 dusting of snow so far, but have isolated, showers in the late afternoon many days now.

So…….. we’ll need to have our own deicing fluid for KANK, or covers, or gamble that we won’t need it when we try to leave! Of course that's assuming that WX allows us to get there in the first place. :)
Status now is that Marty and I have made it to Jabara AAO in Wichita, visited his brother, and plan on trying to Salinas today, or as close as we can safely.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
For those coming into KANK (Salida, CO), here are my suggestions on the route into the mountains as well has your landing at the airport. Please be safe.
Your flight to Salida, Colorado (KANK)

Route of Flight: There are two choices that avoid the higher peaks when approaching fromthe east. The northern route starts atPueblo (PUB). The southern route startsat Walsenburg (4V1), is a lot more comfortable with a wide valley and won’t addmuch to your route mileage if planned from due east (aka – Wichita, Kansas). I take the southern route when flying up fromSan Antonio. BACfest had me using thenorthern route.

Southern route: enter the high valley (ground is about 8000 ft) at Walsenburg. Valley is 5 miles wide, fly on the rightside, give yourself an “out” with an easy left turn at all times. I typically climb to at least 11,500 beforeentering the valley. Fly over the SilverWest airport (C08) but keep south before to avoid that ridge about 6 milesprior to the airport. Then a straighttrack over the towns of Westcliffe and Hillside. Then a slight left turn takes you to Salida(KANK). There is an 8,500 ft (approx.)ridge you cross just before getting to the Salida valley, so hang on to youraltitude until you are almost over the town.

Northern route: be at 10,500 ft when you overfly the Pueblo airport going directlywest. Delay turning until over thePueblo Reservoir to avoid the MOA and Restricted airspaces. From the Reservoir (lake), turn rightslightly and head for Fremont (1V6) airport. This is where I climb to 11,500 or 11,800 to allow a 180 left turn atall times if needed. Go over Canon Cityand about 6 miles later, turn left slightly to follow the highway to TexasCreek. About 8 miles past Texas creekturn right and head for Salida, crossing over that same ridge mentioned for thesouthern route.

Landing at KANK: I typically descend and hold at 9,000 ft while over Salida and planningmy approach. Check out your surroundingsand the weather. This is a good time tore-set mixture for best power …. And then do not touch the mixture controlagain until you are on the ground. Caution - - it is very easy shove that mixture control forward (byhabit) if you need full power. Don’t do it.

Normal runway for landing is RWY 24 … even up to a 15 mph tailwind due to theuphill slope.

Airspeeds: I keep 95mph as my minimum in the pattern (8,500 ft msl). On final (nice comfortable long final for me)I will lock in 87 to 88 mph with two notches of flaps.

Do not aim for the numbers on RWY 24. There will be a downdraft just before thethreshold. Aim for the wide stripes(1000 ft down the runway) or even further. A little extra airspeed and rpm here is good. The runway is plenty long for a landing. I have never used more than ½ the runway onlanding. Yes, expect a different visualexperience when the ground zooms by as you flare. Airspeed … airspeed.

Weather: Mypersonal arrival minimum for reported ceiling at KANK is 6,000 feet agl. This keeps the mountain peaks visible andgives me the chance to climb to over 12,000 if needed. The AWOS at the field works well.

I am comfortable with higher than typical surface winds atthe Salida airport, even with gusts to 25 or 30. The runway is long and clear of turbulentcreating obstructions.

Winds aloft are another matter. Check the winds reported at Monarch Pass also. Anything above 25 should get your attention,especially if from the west. You willget an immediate indication of a rotor (downdraft) if you carefully monitoryour airspeed and altimeter during your trip into the mountains. Be ready to apply full power (you have thatmixture already set for best power) and Vy (I use 95 mph) if you see anunexpected drop of 100 feet or more. Andalways plan for that 180 turn exit strategy if after a minute you feel theplane cannot handle the conditions. Your extra altitude above the terrain gives you some time to make a gooddecision.
