SOUTH CENTRAL FLY-IN! April 28th, Texas/Oklahoma border, 3T0 - - Fly 'n Sail

trumpet nelson

Around The Moon

Location - Cedar Mills marina on Lake Texoma. Airport 3T0 A 3,000 ft grass runway awaits your arrival. Read up on the specifics here: The campground and hot showers are withing walking distance of the airport. Ditto the beach where we park the boats. Restaurant is about a mile walk, but it is on a park road and simple.

Date - the weekend of April 28th (a Friday) with a mid-day sail on Saturday (29th) the main event (about 10:30 am to 3:30 pm) with a BBQ onboard the boat/raft up.

Schedule - - your smiling host (trumpet nelson) will have the boat (can handle 8 persons) in the water on Thursday after a drive up from San Antonio. The schedule is very flexible for the weather, but an outline is:
- Thursday - - boats depart about noon and overnight on the lake in the boat. I can accommodate a few onboard overnight if brave souls wish to join in. Return to campground beach mid-morning Friday.
- Friday - - lake sailing, with hopes for a great sunset cruise/ moonlight cruise. Friday night supper is our usual trip to Oklahoma about 5:30 pm (Kingston, OK fish fry). Campground overnight (lots of space for your tent, and hot showers).
- Saturday - - day sailing with lunch raft-up. Pot luck supper that evening at the campground.
- Sunday - - morning sailing, then we start pulling the boats out of the water about 2:00 pm.
- Thursday through Sunday - - windsurfing lessons since I will have my rig with me. It will be the very-stable "beginner's board" for anyone wishing to have some fun. The beach is a perfect place to learn.

Specifics - - this group of trailer-sailors meets twice per year. Typically we have 10 to 15 boats attend, so there is always plenty of room onboard for visiting pilots during the sails. We'll get several adjoining campsites for the group, as well as the nice meeting hall for the pot-luck on Saturday. Also, plenty of vehicles for a ride if needed since we are all towing our boats. Join in for a few hours, or a few days!


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More photos of the Lake Texoma sailing group to get you motivated for in April - - -


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There are cabins and cottages for rent, some along the runway. There is a another group that has reserved the cottages for a flyin. I am first on the list if they cancel. (No one has confirmed from the other club) [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif](903) 523-4222[/FONT]

Is the web site if you want to look it up. It looks like a nice place to stay. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
Nelson, I have a grand daughter getting confirmed that weekend or Linda and I would love to come. Thanks for hosting a fantastic fly-in!
Ok i just got a call from the resort, all 4 cabins along the runway just opened up for the weekend of the flyin. (There are 3 left:cool:) 166$ a night. The cabins come with a kitchen and a fireplace.
This fly-in is 12 days away - - let's hope for some great weather!

Some more details for you:

- I will recon the grass runway on Thursday afternoon when I arrive and be available by phone (210-834-1991). If I can locate an internet connection, I will post the results here as well
- bring your own tie-downs for safety
- I will have accommodations for two to overnight in my RV (Friday or Saturday nights), since I will be staying onboard the boat (TOOTSIE TOO) at the camping beach. Save money, have fun, but you need to let me know..... The campground is a short walk from the runway.
- lunch is available onboard my boat for all attendees for Friday or Saturday, but again ... I need to know if you are coming.

Again (as usual) - - all weather dependent. Bring a swim suit if you want to try the windsurfing lessons. :D
Trumpet i am still planning on coming the forecast changes so much that i cannot get a read on it. It will make flight planning a challenge.
Well ..... typical fly-in forecast !!

Today and next Monday and Tuesday - sunshine and beautiful

Tomorrow through Sunday - - wet, windy, messy, and T-storms.

I will update here again in two days (Wednesday). But it isn't looking good. If it is this bad ... even my sailboat may stay at home in San Antonio .....

Nelson, I feel your pain. Same thing happened to the last North Central fly-in. Turned it into a "drive-in".
I have decided to go ahead with my plans to arrive tomorrow afternoon. We'll see what the weather gives us, but if you can plan a safe trip, I will be there to greet you. Please do not push yourself to attend with this weather - - - there will be other days, my friends.

Thursday and Sunday are looking reasonable, and I will post here if I can find a connection to the internet. Feel free to call me for an on-site report (210-834-1991), and be sure to let me know if you plan to arrive. Otherwise, I may be out sailing !!

Be safe.
It's been a while since I have been there. But here are some pix.


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GREAT SAILING DAY TODAY. Looks like Steve and I are the "fly-in" dudes! Sure glad he made it, and the forecast is looking a little better. We are here through Sunday. Join in!

Enjoy the photos ....


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Looks like you made a sailor out of Steve. Good thing you're not in Nebraska where we are in a winter storm watch, or worse, in western Kansas where there is a winter storm warning.
Had a nice time down in Texas this weekend. Runway was smooth no ruts or bumps and nice cabins along the runway. There was a nice seafood place we carpooled over to Friday evening.
I was pulling out the sailboat at the ramp when Steve made a circuit after his takeoff. We had some strong winds, but he handled them with aplomb. A great weekend adventure, and hopefully he grabbed a few more photos. The winds gave us two good days of sailing, with a 3 boat raft-up in a cove on Friday for lunch and (only me!) a swim. Not even the dog would jump in.

I arrived home late Sunday after a 2 hour traffic jam - - they CLOSED I-35 for construction at Fort Worth. It was a major cluster. 18 wheelers cutting across grass medians and confused traffic control and police. The highway was a parking lot as far as you could see. A big mess. After going less than 1/2 mile in 90 minutes with no end in sight, I headed north and then east, and then back down through Dallas to get home to San Antonio. Dude.

Hats off to those considering joining in and making the decision to stay on the ground. I appreciate the cautious flyer. Steve did a great job of studying the weather for his specific route.