Saturday 6/12/21 Sussex New Jersey Fly-In Is Near you!

As a pirep, tried to make it over the Hudson but the cloud layer looked really tough in New Jersey.  Orange county had a big fly-in today, wonder how they turned out?


Plus side, did a 360 of lady liberty after scooting down the Hudson (there's some unique 'turn around a point' practice!) -- and then 500' along the beach under the Bravo at JFK on my way back home. NY Approach were surprisingly unbusy -- Cool!




Better than a BAC fly-in?  I won't say that, but it was a pretty good day.  
You sure have big cities down there - and to be able to fly around them including a 360 of the Statue of Liberty - pretty impressive to my way of thinking.

Just the same, when the snow is gone, per below, we have lots of nothing or what we call "big sky country" and that can be nice as well.

Sorry this didn't work out. I took off at 9:00 AM and headed North West, but although each location, my starting point in East Hampton and Sussex, showed basic VFR, over the Long Island Sound, it was still IMC and I was flying a plane to take back to the avionics shop to reprogram some things so no IFR. Thank you Robert Staab for being there in case anyone came. Upon my return to HTO it was raining. 

To reduce the number of noise complaints from low level operations, Special VFR is no long allowed at HTO.

Later in the morning part of our local group took off to fly up to Orange County for that Fly In and turned back after experiencing 2,000 foot MSL ceilings where the ground was 1,600. A bunch of us drove to lunch.

Off to Block Island for lunch today.

dbdicker said
As a pirep, tried to make it over the Hudson but the cloud layer looked really tough in New Jersey.  Orange county had a big fly-in today, wonder how they turned out?


Plus side, did a 360 of lady liberty after scooting down the Hudson (there's some unique 'turn around a point' practice!) -- and then 500' along the beach under the Bravo at JFK on my way back home. NY Approach were surprisingly unbusy -- Cool!

I'm flying the Hudson corridor in August and I can't wait! My son lives in a high rise on the Hudson and I'm hoping he can film/photo me from his apartment!




Better than a BAC fly-in?  I won't say that, but it was a pretty good day.  

I will be leaving KHTO around 10:00 this morning and should be at Sussex around 11:00. I am planning on having lunch at the diner. So if anyone is around, stop in and join me for lunch and say Hi.

