New York Metropolitan Tri-State Fly In

Sussex has a decent breakfast and lunch place just off the field.

Probably could setup an outdoor tent in the field just off the taxiway if we wanted an extended gathering. (We should get permission for this.)
You guys are trying hard to make these fly-ins too nice.
If there is a restaurant nearby we will take it.
If there is something to do we will do it.
If our only event is to listen to each other and look at each other's planes, that's sufficient.

All we need is one member to be at the destination airport and wait to see who arrives.
Pick a date. Pick a place. Post it on the event calendar.
BAC will sponsor it.

The club owns a 10x10 tent which (for a small fortune) the club can ship to you.
Hint: If there is already an event at your field we are happy to join it.

Tom Corcoran
As soon as there are some suggestions for dates, post BACFEST, I will see about working out a place and a final date and rain date.

We had our first "Test" Metropolitan Tri-State Fly In today. It was well attended, with one C24R, one B24R and a Super 200 King Air, though the King Air did not know he was part of it, but since we were all parked by each other, I am including him.

The planned lunch could not take place as the Café was closed due to a power outage yesterday.

All kidding aside, it was great to meet Dave from Linden, New Jersey in his "B" model.
