Monterey Bay California Fly-In (KMRY) August 14th, 2010


Level Cruise
Dear BAC Friends;

We are going to have a fly-in on August 14th, beginning at 11:00am in Monterey, California. We have not nailed down the FBO yet, but we will add detail later, I just wanted to let you know so you can put this date in your calendar. We are planning lunch at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, as well as a self guide tour of the Aquarium. I for one have lived in the Bay Area for over 20 years, and have never seen it. I hear it is something everyone should see for sure.
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I might, I would have to drive in though. I don't think that I'll have my flaps' parts yet, and my flaps are in pieces right now (corrosion).
Count us in................. no flying, but we will be there! Train up and big plane on the way back to San Diego. I'm so excited to see everybody! Cross your fingers for good weather and no fog. Counting the days......................

Husband/Editors Comment: "...big plane..." - the '57 to LAX maybe, not sure if the EMB-120 from LAX to CLD (KCRQ - one of those odd balls that IATA doesn't match ICAO) counts as a "big plane".
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Count us in................. no flying, but we will be there! Train up and big plane on the way back to San Diego. I'm so excited to see everybody! Cross your fingers for good weather and no fog. Counting the days......................

Drive it, walk it, take a bus! Can't wait to see your lovely, smiling face! It has been to d**n long!
Mr Linderman,

Counting the days.............almost the hours! : ) Glad you are bringing your pretty half with you this time. Are you guys flying the little plane?

Hello BAC Members,

We are having a fly-in on August 14th, beginning at 11:00am in Monterey, California. We are planning lunch at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, as well as a self guide tour of the Aquarium after lunch.

Here are the details.

• Destination Airport: Monterey, California (KMRY) at 11:00am, or a little early. Ask for parking at Del Monte Aviation Del Monte Aviation, I have never been there either, so we’re even
• Alternation Airport: Reid Hillview, California (KRHV) at 10:00am, or a little early. Ask for parking in transient parking
• A Van will be there to take you to the Aquarium or from San Jose as needed. If you have to land at KRHV in San Jose, please call me and let me know to expect you. I am, or Cell: (408) 234-5699. Keep my cell in case you arrive late, I’ll pick you up
• Lunch about noon at the Aquarium in case you are driving
• After lunch, self guide tour of the Aquarium
• Open afternoon

After the event I will be having a reception for those that what to attend at my home in San Jose, California. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. For others your transportation will be provided back to KMRY.

This is a fog or shine event as I personally guarantee San Jose will be fog free by 10:00am. I cannot be so sure about Monterey, which is why I am providing an alternate. Please contact me to give me a headcount so I can arrange logistics.

If you have any questions, call or write. This should be a blast, see you all there!

Mike Samac (aka Conway on BAC)
Cell: (408) 234-5699
Right now the forecasts have the marine layer breaking around 10am (cross your fingers). Btw why is the alternate RHV meet up time is at 10:00 instead of 11:00?
Meeting time is 11:00am if landing Monterey, 10:00am if landing San Jose, because it takes an hour to drive from San Jose to Monterey. So we should all be in Monterey at 11:00am. BTW - I'm hoping everyone makes the flight into Monterey. However, we do have to watch the fog both morning and afternoon, it rolls back in early. I must be insane planning a fly-in in Monterey! ;-)

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.....I must be insane planning a fly-in in Monterey! ;-)


If you would like to call an audible and announce a new location, you can do that and the attendees will still get the PT points. It is up to you. Monterey is certainly beautiful and all that, but if people can't fly in, then.......well;-(
The weather pattern is changing. We will be heating up this weekend as a high is rolling in. That means less chance of fog and/or an early burn off. Keep you fingers crossed or file (or both).
Hello folks,

It still looks good to go at 7:15am in San Jose it is overcast, but will burn off by 10:00. If you are not IR, be safe and land San Jose’s RHV. We have enough space to take everyone over from here, but I know a number will do the ILS into Monterey. I guess the best plan B is to land Tracy, and wait for the layer, but it’s late enough now, that some are in the air or in route. Chris L. is in Elko now, or has just left. It has been clear in San Jose all week by 10:00am, and as Bob said it is clearing, so I can’t really see our plan as it is not working.

Famous last words… ;-)
The TAF for Monterey has things clearing to scattered at 1pm. The TAF for San Jose has it clearing to clear at 1130a. But RHV clears well before SJC and the ceilings will lift somewhat prior to then so getting into RHV should be fairly easy so we anticipate that RHV will be safely reachable - you might have to run out a bit SE and come in under the layer. Stay east of the Freeway which is 101 and you'll stay clear of the SJC Class C.

Mike will hang out at RHV until at least 11:30a - if people get in later go ahead and get a car from Enterprise on field and come over. Otherwise we should have enough cars to ferry.

If you are instrument current/legal Monterey is an easy ILS and is actually an easier approach than RHV which only has RNAV/GPS approach. I'll be at Monterey by 10am or so. Park at Del Monte which is now on the West end of the field. Tower will be more than able to give directions.

Mike's cell is 408-234-5699, mine (Mark) is 763-300-4739 and Candy's is 763-300-4739. Call us and we'll sort it out.

See you there,
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Well, LeeAnne and I got to Sacramento and called a halt to the westward trek. Flight Watch told us (as we overflew Reno) that the coastal fog was more persistent than normal. We decided to land at Watts-Woodland (O41) and meet up with Bob Lewis and his wife Donna. After well over an hour of watching the coastal weather we decided it was not in the cards for us. Bob has a "new to him" Bonanza and did not feel like chancing an IFR approach and I am not current IFR so we stayed in the Sacramento area.

We got calls from those that did make Monterey and it sounds like a fair turn-out in spite of the coastal fog. Maybe another time, Mr. Samac! Sorry we couldn't get to see you guys but I have to be back in SLC on Monday and therefore could not risk getting stuck on the coast tomorrow.

Have fun and post some photos!