Montauk Airport Fly-In


Around The Moon
In talking with Tom, we felt we would try to get another North East Fly In before the weathers turns really bad. So the plan is, weather permitting, to have a Fly In on Saturday, November 12th, into Montauk Airport. This time of the year, there should be parking space for a few hours. Landing Fee is $25.00, which I think Tom is working on. The plan would be, bring your lunch and I will get cars lined up to take people to Montauk Light and the Point.

I have a call into the Airport Manager to see if I can finalize parking or even get a break on the landing fee and where we might be able to eat our lunches. 

Please let me know if you think you can make it.

Cheers, Bob
I think pancakes @KHWV was a better idea, but I’ll go. Truth is, a 500ft pass of the lighthouse from your plane is the best view you’ll ever get of the point, and you’ll save the $25 bucks.

then head over to Brookhaven and spend $15 for the best breakfast you’ll ever have. 

my 2cents
I have not heard back yet from the new Airport Manager at Montauk, so not sure yet if I can fully confirm the Fly-In there yet. I have talked further with Tom and Dan and read Dan's attempt a while back to get something going at Brookhaven.

I am up for either, but think we should get some input from the group. Two questions:

1. - Assuming we have this Fly-In on the 12th and the weather is good, who would being planning on coming? I am for the 12th.

2. - Who would prefer Montauk over Brookhaven or Brookhaven over Montauk.

Some input here. I agree with Dan that a fly over of Montauk Point and light house would probably be better than a ground trip, especially this time of the year. Also, if you bring your kunch, I am not sure that we will have anywhere to eat it other than one someone's wing. 

If we go to Brookhaven, the Cafe there has outdoor tables if the weather is nice and if not there is indoor seating. The cafe will give us a deal on food too and then you don't have to bring your own food. There is plenty of parking in front of the Cafe and the landing fee is only $7.00 at Brookhaven as compared to $25.00 at Montauk.

So let us know your input and we can go from there.

As it stands, only Tom, Dan and I have committed to attending a local North East Fly-In on November 12th (weather permitting). No one has weighed in on weather is should be at Montauk or Brookhaven. I believe that Tom has been to Montauk and Dan and I both have, so the three of us may just end up meeting somewhere in the aera for a Fly In Lunch.

So, if you think you might make it, let us know so we can plan better.

If that's the case, I'm happy to go to a mid-point in Connecticut, if Tom or you know of a good lunch place at/near one of the many airports there -- Danielson?  Others?


I'm game. 
I flew to Montauk this morning and talked to Neil the new manager. Also talked to the people at the Inlet Cafe. 

Neil will make the office area available on the 12th. We could have 6 people or more inside eating regardless of the weather. The Inlet Cafe, which is in walking distance, will be open on the 12th, but is pricey. Ok with me but may turn off some people. So, bring your own lunch would make sense. 

The new owners of Montauk Airport have increased the landing fee for Singles to $40.00, but there would not be a parking fee. 

That is the latest.
Hello this is Kenny cook Air Boss of Connecticut I would like to have a fly in at Danielson airport Lzd November 19th 11am free parking I do have a 1989 Colonial Park station wagon for a courtesy car will sit eight people four ashtrays three cigarette lighters I also have Birch Beer Sarsaparilla ginger ale root beer iced tea and water Tom said that we could get lobster rolls soup or pizza and apple turnovers
Montauk KMTP is on for November 12. 

11:00 am

Bring your own lunch. BAC will pay the (ugh) landing fee. Can't do lunch too!

The post below by Airboss of Connecticut - Ken Cook is valid. Plan on an announcement for a Danielson KLZD fly-in for November 19th (to be confirmed later).

Official policy for Northeast fly-ins which include food is, "No lobster rolls". BAC can't afford it. Of course, you can finance your own... average price here $25.00.
Sorry about the lobster forot to add cream soda and I do have a cassette player in my car
I am now starting to monitor the forecast for the 12th. So far not looking great. Low of 41 and high of 55 with a 50% chance of rain. Long way off so hopefully that will improve greatly. 
Look at the map! Montauk KMTA is on the very itty-bitty tip of Long Island, New York. Never been there? Go Saturday November 12, 2022.

Bring a lunch. BAC will reimburse landing fees. Very humble door prizes for participants.

Bob Kittine is organizer and go/no go weather guru. 

ALSO Danielson, Connecticut KLZD fly-in is Saturday November 19, 2022. Ken Cook, Airboss of Connecticut is organizer.


Photo is for entertainment purposes and has nothing to do with these fly-ins. (Brad Mitchell and me at Louisville, Kentucky BACFest)
Right now the advanced weather forecast is calling for cloudy skies and 58% chance of rain with lightening. Plenty of time for that to change though. I have reached out to the airport manager at MTP and he will be there to open up the ops office and regardless of weather, I will be there. Planning on going to the one at Danielson. Maybe even move Sparkie's new Sierra that day.


P.S. - There are two RNAV GPS approaches. 
MPT is less than 45 miles (Slightly less)... It would be great to be able to attend a fly-in and if all works out 6014L be there! :)

Maybe I'm dreaming, but would be nice to be able to make it!
If the Mechanic can get everything done by Monday, I can catch my flight, do my personal inspections and then we close on the deal is my plan... Then it is all movements... I am also looking forward to meeting all of you all... Looking at the MTP Airport... That is either a Very Short Runway, or a Very Narrow piece of land!

Will have to figure out a Bag lunch or something (maybe fast food) for MTP as I think I read Bag Lunch! really looking forward to it.
KMTP actually a pretty decent sized runway, I forget but def over 3000' -- although there are often tricky downdrafts over the dunes if you need to approach from the east.


MTP has a 3,246' x 75' runway - 24/06. Dan is correct, especially on the approach into runway 24, over the dunes it can catch you off guard. There is also a non-standard pattern for 24 (Right Traffic is designated) and there is a displaced threshold on both ends.

Sandwiches from Cappelletti's in Noyac (Sag Harbor), New York are expensive, around $18.00 with tax, but i get three meals out of one. I tend bar there and will be there on Friday night the 11th. Go to their web site, pick a sandwich, let me know and I can get it and bring it.
