Lunch at Prop Blast Cafe - Coldwater, MI (KOEB) - Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016


Flight Levels
Join us for lunch at the Prop Blast Cafe located on the field. Larry Newland will be our host. The restaurant is in the big hangar located near the fuel pumps. We will have to park in the grass opposite of the restaurant. Arrive by 11:30am EDT.
Hi there is this still on for Saturday ? Weather permitting I wouldn't mind going but it would have to be in one of those other airplanes ! 😔😔
Well guys I was just informed that my presents at work is required not optional will have to go another time !! 🙁🙁
David we will be having a fly-in at Portsmouth (KPMH) next month. I hope to see you there. I will be driving up today. LLWS potential across the route. 50kt winds forecasted at 3000 near Ft. Wayne (FWA). Flight plan altitude, 37kts @ 5000. Not worth the bumpy ride or upsetting the plane. I will be leaving shortly.
We had two member aircraft arrive for our fly-in on Saturday. I ended up driving up due to the forecast of LLWS along my route of flight. It was worth the drive. I always enjoy meeting and talking to our members. Conversations ranged from power settings for instrument approaches, ADS-B, Branson, helicopters, and BACFest 2017. In attendance were Larry and Mary Newland, Mike Risko, and John Redmon.

Mike Risko arriving in his Sierra


Larry and Mary Newland arriving in their Sierra


Pictured are Larry and Mary Newland, John Redmon, and Mike Risko



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