KMTP Montauk, NY Fly in May 3rd


Around The Moon
Though no tie downs or hangars are offered any longer at Montauk, it is still a public use airport and planes can land there albeit with a hefty landing fee.

I have reached out to the airport manager to see if we can get permission to have a week day , pre-season Fly In with no ramp fee and a reduced or no landing fee. Will see what the response is.
I finally heard back from the Airport Manager at Montauk. If we do a fly in in Early May on a week day, they will wave the landing and parking fee. In order to make this happen, I have to send the tail numbers to him well in advance.

Robert Staab, as NE Head Honcho, Do you want to coordinate this or should I? Let me know what days might work for you so we can be assured that you can make it.
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Count me in!


  • The precise landing Alan White wishes he could have made.jpg
    The precise landing Alan White wishes he could have made.jpg
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The weather forecast for Friday seems to be improving, so hopefully we will have a nice Fly In at Montauk. 5 Planes are signed up so far.
Robert and I spoke today and we think that the easiest thing to do is to order Sandwiches and supply those along with individual bags of snacks and beverages.

So if you are coming and would let me know what kind of sandwich and what beverage you would like, I will order them and deliver them on Friday.

Please get me you order by mid-day tomorrow.

Ken, Let me know what kind of sandwich you want if you want one. I am putting the order in tomorrow at noon for pick up very early Friday morning.
Well so far this morning the weather is below IFR minimums out here but it promises to improve. Tomorrow may start out the same but should be decent by 11:00.

So if you are planning to come, please check the weather forecast for Montauk and for your end by noon today and give me an indication of you still think you are going to make it. I will be putting in the food order around 1:00 PM today.
I'll be able to get out IFR no matter what, doesn't look like HWV will be at LIFR tomorrow like it was this morning - and there looks like a decent chance that wx at MTP by 11 will be at least MVFR, allowing me to get in pretty easily too. So, I'll be flying in any case, either going out to the fly-in or shooting approaches elsewhere. If enough come, I'll be there. If everyone bails, I will too and just practice...........I'll check in with you in the AM.
current weather is wind light at 060 , 10 + mile visibility and a ceiling of 1,500 OVC. It is suooosed to improved by late morning
I'll make my decision to proceed from the airport this morning (1B9 Mansfield, Massachusetts).
Looks like 1,300' until nearly noon.
A little low to fly over all that water.
My plan is to GO!
(Expect phone calls)
At the airport. OVC 1300. plenty for me to file ifr and go. If nobody's there when I land, I'll understand.
East Hamptonnis reporting 1,300 OVC, but the ceiling may come up even though the clouds are still forecast until about 1:00.