Hangar 5 Restaurant - Columbus, Indiana (KBAK) - Saturday - August 03, 2019

Brad, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Anyone else planning on attending? Also, for those that attend have a great opportunity to go home with a Beech Aero Club logo chair. Just make a donation towards 3Z's paint and annual and get a chair.

Bob and Joe K., sorry you didn't make it. It was nice meeting Joe and Paul from Wisconsin. Beautiful Duchess you have, Joe. 6 of us attended arriving in 3 planes. John has the pictures and will post soon. Thanks again John for setting up the fly-in. Great day to fly. Kevin and I climbed to 7500 for cooler air then down to 3500 as the clouds were building above the Ohio River. Smooth ride rest of the way back to 27K.

Less than 6 weeks and counting till BACFest!
