East Hampton Fly In - Lets Try Again

rkittine said
You would have to understand the politics out here. There is a special meeting of the Town Board today that I am going to Zoom in on. Hopefully something will change.

I hope it does... Good luck on it... I personally think that they will lose a lot more than they gain by going private... It will cost them more for less services. Just one more way Politics affects us.

I understand the stance the FAA is taking, however, with all those obstacles it could really drive the town to close the airport. It’s surprising that with all the “ rich and powerful” people that use the airport to get to their parties and mansions, that none of them are either using their influence or assisting with the cause to keep it public.

Also, at the Gabreski luncheon last yr, there was an attorney from HTO flying a cirrus jet that attended.Not sure what type of law he practiced, but I would think he would have a vested interest in keeping it public also. Do you know him?
Weather looks good for tomorrow. My cell phone is: 631-374-9652 You can call of text me if you need anything.

We will park at the ramp of Building 2 - The Executive Terminal and meet in the Pilots Loung there. There are bathrooms there and heat while we wait to see who shows and who wants to go to lunch.

I will be on 122.775 starting after 11:00

See you tomorrow - Bob
I am at the Airport. Winds are light and favoring runway 10. 

Tou can get current AWOS on:


And 118.075 as your get close.

traffic advisory is 125.225 as the tower is closed for the season and maybe longer. 

Hope to see a few of you here lunch time.
Well, we got so caught up in the moment, no one thought to take any pictures and it was cold out. So cold that a couple of people with planes parked outside could not get the frost cleared off, but a few brave souls, two that had never been to East Hampton Airport did show up.

I am going to start planning for the Spring and hopefully pull together something that will attract more people. 

Sounds like you all had a "COOL" time up there.. Glad everyone enjoyed it... Sounds like there as most certainly a need for Window Heat.... LOL
I was there and my home Base is East Hampton, My mode of transportation was my Prius.

Dan Dicker, made it from Brookhaven with his Aerobatic Sundowner and Even Foulke made it from Orange County (New York) with his Sierra and Charlie Izzo.

David Peterson was there as he is the operator of the Executive Terminal (currently owned by the estate of the people you had the lease and died a few years back in the crash of one of there turbo props. David opened the place up, turned on the heat and let us use it to meet before heading for lunch.

Unfortunately Robert could not make it from Susse do to too much ice on his wings? 

We are going to have a late arrival too, Tom Corcoran, will be stopping in when he is back from Florida and before the closing on the 28th.

rkittine said
I was there and my home Base is East Hampton, My mode of transportation was my Prius.

Dan Dicker, made it from Brookhaven with his Aerobatic Sundowner and Even Foulke made it from Orange County (New York) with his Sierra and Charlie Izzo.

David Peterson was there as he is the operator of the Executive Terminal (currently owned by the estate of the people you had the lease and died a few years back in the crash of one of there turbo props. David opened the place up, turned on the heat and let us use it to meet before heading for lunch.

Unfortunately Robert could not make it from Susse do to too much ice on his wings? 

We are going to have a late arrival too, Tom Corcoran, will be stopping in when he is back from Florida and before the closing on the 28th.


Thanks, I have you and Dan but can't find Even Foulke, Charlie Izzo or David Peterson in the database. Are they BAC members? As far as Corcoran...eh, we'll just ignore him!
The town board regrouped, talked to the FAA two days ago and the airport closing has been postponed until the first week of May with only one day being shut down and then reopened as a PPR Private Airport, though with a FAA approved private tower, re-establishment of the IFR Approached and interfacing with NY Tracon. Still will be expensive and restrictive to aircraft not based there, but better than what was about to happen at the end of this month.

Tom, you have some time to get out here before the change now. So maybe another try at a bigger get together as the average temperature goes up.

Dan and I were the only members there. Charlie and Evan have yet to join, though I have encouraged them to do so. David, is the Manager / CFI / A&P and Pilot of a group of aircraft including a King Air 200 and runs the Executive Terminal. He graciously opened up the private Pilot Loung for our get together, so I invited him along to lunch. 

