Dulles Airport August 21,2021


Headed to Andromeda
Hello BACers! Once again the Udvar Hazy Center at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport in Wash DC is open for events. And once again BAC will be represented by Sierra N3864Y! There might be another BAC plane involved also as well as a good number of interesting planes and exhibits. This event is routinely the most attended event of the NASM and a great way to talk to thousands of visitors about general aviation and the Musketeer series of planes. Here is information on the event:


although I believe that the event is full for planes to take part there is a need for a few members to help out with talking to the public and showing the plane on display for the day. 
this is a great reason to review your wash DC flight rules and fly on in to Dulles airport! Or you can drive in and help. I’ll see about adding this to the BAC calendar and hope to offer points to anyone helping for the day. If you are interested please let me know and I can supply details beyond what is in the link above. 

Happy Flying!    Paul
I thought I would post results of this last minute event. It was a great flying day despite the scattered thunderstorms that were easy to avoid and Dulles area ATC was great about working in us little guys between the usual craziness of Dulles traffic. 
 Free ramp tickets were limited to 10,000 guests and these were fully sold out. We talked to a lot of people! There seem to be a lot of pilots shopping for planes these days and I spoke to a few that never considered a Mouse. I was able to talk about fuel efficiency and loading flexibility and hopefully stimulated a few new mouse hunters. 
Next year this event will be on June 18,2022 and if anyone is looking for an excuse to visit Washington DC I’d be happy to help with information. And if anyone enjoys looking at cool planes and bragging about mice this is a lot of fun. F6E83900-3395-4A15-BBC7-C7A426357D65.jpeg9D56CDBA-3523-4F5E-AC25-BFABCA87CD1C.jpeg9427B1E5-2AE2-4E87-8787-DE98D7059020.jpeg66D1EFC4-5741-4AC8-AF58-5A8A121A1303.jpeg